15. Dinner With the De Rossis

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About a month had passed since Valentine's day. Lorette and Fred hadn't spoken since there incident. Annabeth also hadn't mentioned anything to either of them.

Lorette had started to actually fall in love with Oliver. She was no longer focusing on Fred or jealous of Angelina. Oliver seemed to be falling even harder as well.

Without Fred, Lorette's life had improved, but she was still miserable because she missed her best friend.

Oliver's birthday was two weeks away, and Lorette was going crazy trying to plan the perfect party for him.

"What am I supposed to get him for his birthday?" Lorette said, frantically flipping through magazines.

"Gee, I don't know what would you get your quidditch-obsessed boyfriend? Hm, isn't your father friends with Puddlemere United's seeker? Wait! Isn't that Oliver's favorite team?" Annabeth said sarcastically.

Lorette rolled her eyes "So what? I'm supposed to get him an autograph?"

Annabeth nodded "Duh. Your family is like really important. I'm sure he wouldn't mind signing a little bludger."

Lorette wrote to her father the same day:


As you know, my boyfriend, Oliver's birthday is in two weeks. He is a big Puddlemere United's fan.

Do you think you could ask Benjy to autograph a bludger for Oliver?



Lorette gave the letter to Periwinkle and the owl flew off to deliver it.

"So," Annabeth said awkwardly. "Are we gonna talk about it?"

Lorette froze in place. She hadn't thought about her moment with Fred for a while now. She had been so busy planning Oliver's eighteenth birthday party and studying for O.W.L.S. she just hadn't thought about it.

"No." Lorette said coldly.

"Lory! C'mon!" Annabeth said.

"There's nothing to talk about." Lorette said. Annabeth opened her mouth to talk but quickly closed it when Lorette said "Drop it."


The closer it came to Oliver's party, the less time Lorettee had to worry about Fred.

She had decided to host the party the weekend before his birthday, which unfortunately fell on a Tuesday, at her house.

Lorette, Oliver, and her siblings would arrive at her home Friday afternoon, so that her parents could meet Oliver and have dinner with him. Luckily, Vittorio and Amira would be going on a quick holiday for the weekend, so they wouldn't intrude on the party. The party would be Saturday, once again, it was only for fifth years and above, with the exceptions of Ron, Ginny, Sofia, Lorenzo, Marcus, and Jennifer, Oliver's younger sister.

On Sunday, Lorette would go with Oliver to his house, along with his sister Jennifer, so Lorette could also meet Oliver's parents.

It was going to be a stressful weekend, but Lorette couldn't be more excited.


Lorette took Oliver's hand. "You're going to be fine. They're going to love you!"

Oliver, who was clearly nervous, nodded.

"Are you ready?" Lorette asked.

"Yup." Oliver said nervously.

Lorette grabbed a handful of green powder. She threw onto the ground of the chimney and said "De Rossi Mansion, London."

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