20. Murderer

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After dinner, everyone had retreated to their rooms. Per usual, most of them had stayed up to talk and gossip. They so rarely got to do so at school. With their busy lives, they almost never found time to sit down and have a good talk.

In the twins' room, Fred, George, Lucas, Lorenzo, Bill, and Charlie sat in a circle in the middle of the room, while Percy laid on the bottom bunk of the bunk beds and Marcus was sitting in the desk chair.

"So Freddie, we hear you're dating Angelina Johnson." Charlie said, giving Fred a smug grin.

"Who in the bloody hell told you that?!" Fred asked defensively.

"Mum of course! She's so proud someone is actually interested in you!" Bill teased.

Fred rolled his eyes and scoffed at Bill's insult. "You'd be surprised how many girls are knocking down my door."

"Oh I'm sure." Charlie said with a small chuckle.

"Well...tell us about her!" Bill said.

"She's pretty, really pretty- um- she's on the quidditch team with me. She's super sweet." Fred began.

"Super patient." George whispered causing the boys to laugh.

"Shut it!" Fred said through the laughter.

"How long have you been together?" Charlie asked.

"Only officially for two months, but we've been talking since the summer." Fred replied.

"That's who you were sending all the letters to?" Charlie said. "I thought you were sending them to Lory."

"No- uh- Lory and I didn't really talk this summer." Fred said awkwardly.

"Well you sure talked about her this summer." Bill teased.

"Piss off!" Fred said.

"Freddie fancies my sister, he just won't admit it." Lucas said.

"I do not!" Fred said defensively.

"You definitely do." Percy commented from the bed.

"Hold on, isn't Lory with Oliver Wood?" Bill asked. Fred nodded. "And you're with Angelina Johnson?" Fred nodded again to confirm. "How could you possibly fancy her?" Bill said.

"I don't fancy her!" Fred said.

"Sure. You definitely don't." Ron said.

"Lory this." Lorenzo said.

"Lory that." Marcus added.

"You two better shut up before I do it for you!" Fred threatened, causing the younger boys to make pretend scared faces. They all laughed at Fred's poor attempt at a threat.

Meanwhile in Ginny's room, the five girls sat in a circle by the window. Sofia was painting Ginny's nails a wonderful shade of blue and Annabeth was using curlers to curl the ends of Lucia's hair. Lorette sat reading a muggle magazine one of her secret pen pals had sent her from Germany.

"Lory what are you reading?" Ginny asked, noticing the floppy book in Lorette's hands.

"Oh just a muggle magazine a friend of mine sent." Lorette replied.

"Oo let me see!" Ginny said, reaching her hands out to take the magazine.

"Ginny! Be careful! You're going to ruin your freshly painted nails!" Sofia scolded.

"Here." Lorette said laughing.

"Oh but it's all in German!" Ginny frowned once she saw the pages were covered in foreign words she had never seen before.

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