25. Parisian Summer

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After the events of the end of the school year, Lorette still took her O.W.L. exams, and of course, she passed with flying colors. She had said her goodbyes to the Weasleys, reassuring them that she would see them again in July.

Lorette was now packing her suitcases. Piling dresses and pants and nice summer blouses into her bag. Oh it was going to be a bloody mess to repack everything.

"Are you excited?" Lucia's voice came from the hallway as she walked into Lorette's room.

"Um- I guess a little maybe. I wish we could be spending the summer at the Burrow- god, even with Nonno and Nonna, but France will be nice, I guess." Lorette said as she folded a purple flowy dress and put it in her bag.

"I'm excited. I can't wait to meet so many French boys." Lucia said.

"Good for you. At least one of us will have a good time." Lorette sighed.

"We'll see." Lucia said. "Oh and Mother said that grandmother likes to hold a lot of parties, so pack a lot of dresses- nice dresses." she added before walking out of the room.

Loretted nodded and went to her closet to grab more dresses. She had long dresses and short dresses and midi dresses. Enough dresses to last her a lifetime.
The next morning, the family gathered in front of the fireplace. The children were all carrying their heavy bags, ready to leave to Paris; to their doom.

"We'll see you all on July twentieth." Vittorio said as he stood from his seat.

"Wait, you aren't coming with us?" Lorenzo asked.

"Unfortunately, your father and I will have to miss this little reunion with my parents." sighed Amira, rather sarcastically. "It's almost noon. You shouldn't be late, mother wouldn't like that." Amira said, motioning the children to the chimney.

"Ciao, ciao! Be good!" Vittorio shouted as one by one his children disappeared in a flash of green smoke.
Lorette appeared in a chimney in front of a fairly large sitting area. The room was beautifully decorated with antique renaissance furniture and very, very tall ceilings. Bright and light colors were thrown around the room, accented by gold pieces. The ceiling was decorated with delicate paintings of angels and beautiful women. Something told Lorette that the paintings held an important story.

"Hello grandchildren!" A man's voice shouted from one of the chairs. Lorette recognised the man walking towards them with open arms as her grandfather, Christophe Fawley. He was a rather tall man, must've been at least six foot five. He had shiny white hair and soft green eyes. He was wearing a nice suit, just like father, always wearing a suit. Always so formal.

"Hello, it's very nice to see you all once again." another voice came from beside Christophe, Lorette decided that must be her grandmother, Margot Fawley. And oh wow was she beautiful, just like mother, with green eyes and strong facial structures. The only difference between Margot and Amira were the very few wrinkles and silver hair that Margot had obtained through her years.

"Hey grandma." Lucas said awkwardly as Margot hugged him.

"Oh no, do not call me that, makes me sound old!" Margot said, laughing at the end of her sentence. Her laugh was course and so not...real. She sounded just as stuck up as Lorette had expected. "Call me Mamé."

"Mamé?" Lucia asked.

"Well that's what the Shafiq's call their grandmother, and grandma is just so...plain." the old woman went on. "So call me Mamé."

They all nodded in agreement.

"Mamé...hm...I like that, it has a sort of ring to it!" commented Christophe, placing a hand on Margot's shoulder.

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