2. Stuck-Up, Pureblood, Prude

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Lorette didn't see the twins until they arrived at the station.

"Goerge! Fred!" She shouted across the station.

"Hey Lor! How've you been?" George said as he went in to hug Lorette. He picked her off the ground as he did.

"Put me down you fool!" She laughed. She smiled at Fred "Freddie!" She went to hug him. He stood there awkwardly. His long arms wrapped around her.

"Hi Lor." an awkward smile forming on his face.

"Tell me all about your trip! I want to hear everything!" Lorette exclaimed.

George was more than eager to tell Lorette about all their adventures. On the other hand, Fred couldn't have cared less.

Now on the train, George rambled on about their trip while Fred sat quietly. Lorette would catch him glancing at her, but he would quickly turn away.

"We tried to shut him in a pyramid, but Mum spotted us." George joked.

"Yeah, by the way, I'll get you back for that one!" Percy yelled as he walked past their compartment.

"Sure Percy! Because you're the king of pranking!" George scoffed at him, shouting back.

"Right then, I'll be back in a little bit. Don't wait up." Fred spoke as he stood up and walked out into the corridor.

"Good. He's gone." George whispered in a secretive tone and shut the door. "He hasn't stopped talking about you all bloody summer!" He said in a sigh of relief. As if he had been waiting since the moment he had arrived in England to tell Lorette.

"Really? I haven't heard from him all summer." Lorette said with a confused look.

"Oh yeah, he's been all 'Lor would love this' and. 'I wish Lor could see this' he never shut up about you." George mimicked Fred as he spoke.

"That's very odd. I didn't receive one letter from him all summer."

"Well because that bloody bird, Erol, was busy delivering letters to Angelina."

"Angelina? When did that happen?"

"Not sure. No one but me knows they've been talking." George told her.

"So, him and Angelina?"

"Him and Angelina." George nodded.

"I'll be right back, Georgie." She said as she stood up and walked to the bathroom.

She knocked on the door but no one answered. She opened the door slightly to find Fred and Angelina snogging.

"Oh," She yelped.

"Lor!" Fred said trying to catch his breath and buttoning his shirt.

She glanced down and noticed Fred's hand under Angelina's skirt.

"Oh merlin!" She shouted louder this time.

Fred noticed where his hand was placed and quickly moved it.

"Right, I'll leave you be! Angelina, so nice to see you again." Lorette squirmed. Angelina flashed her a nervous smile before Lorette ran back to the compartment.

She locked the door. "Oh my god! I just caught Fred and Angelina...snogging!" Lorette whisper-yelled when she saw George.

"Well yeah, thats what couples do mate." George shrugged.

"But they weren't just snogging...Fred's hands were...erm...roaming." She blushed.

George bursted out in laughter. "Ha! You caught Freddie and Angelina getting down and dirty!"

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