24. Deja Vu

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The next few months, Lorette spent engulfed in books, barely lifting her nose to see how much time had passed her by. Before she knew it, April and May and most of June had passed. Her O.W.L.S were coming up in a few days and the school year was coming to an end. Soon it would be summer and she would be in Paris with her grandparents, who Lorette assumed were just like her mother. Fortunately, they would only spend the first half of the summer there, by the end of July, Lorette would be back at the Burrow, where she belonged.

Today was June sixth, like any other day really, Lorette sat in the library, her face behind one of her veela books. She heard students filling the corridors. Ah shit, she missed dinner.

Suddenly, her siblings rushed into the library with worried looks all over the faces. Something was wrong.

"It's Ron, he's been injured." Sofia blurted.

Lucas walked up to Lorette and whispered in her ear, "Sirius. He's been found- th-they're going to-"

"No!" Lorette yelled and she felt pools of tears begin to well up in her eyes.

No, no, no! No, how could they have found him? They were going to...execute him. Oh god. She was about to lose her uncle. No, it was all wrong. It felt unreal.

"What can we do? How can we save him?" Lorette asked.

"Nothing. It's too late now, they're holding the court now-" Lucas said.

"Well then we should go! I'm sure father is there and he will try everything to save him-" Lorette said looking for some optimism.

"His voice alone is not enough to prove Sirius's innocence." Lucas said.

"So what then? We just wait for him to die?" Lorette asked.

"I-I'm afraid so." Lucia said. "We'll be in the hospital wing with Ron." she said, walking out of the library along with her brothers and sister. Lorette nodded and watched them leave as tears started to spill out of her eyes.

Today was June sixth and everything felt...off. Like deja vu, Lorette swore she had experienced this day before. Oh well, she always spent her days in the library, maybe thats why? Lorette sat in the library, her face once again, behind a book.

Suddenly, her siblings rushed into the library with worried looks all over the faces. Something was wrong.

"It's Ron, he's been injured." Sofia blurted.

Lucas walked up to Lorette and whispered in her ear, "Sirius. He's been found- th-they're going to-"

"No!" Lorette yelled and she felt pools of tears begin to well up in her eyes.

Just then, Professor Dumbledore barged in.

"Lorette, you should go out to the courtyard. The sky is very clear tonight, perfect for stargazing." the professor told her.

"What? Professor, it's pitch black out there surely you don't think I'd go out in that-" Lorette began but was interrupted by Dumbledore's stern voice.

"Oh, well, maybe you're right. Who knows, maybe you'll even see some dogs out there." he said.

Lorette immediately understood what he was implying.

"Lory, you go. He likes you best." Lucia said.

"No, we should all go-" Lorette protested.

"We can't. They'll be too many of us, we'll be too easy to spot and they might find him again." Lucas interrupted.

"Then one of you go-" Lorette insisted.

"Just go before we run out of time, we'll be in the hospital wing with Ron." Lucia said.

Lorette nodded to her siblings. "Thank you, Professor." she said as she gathered her belongings and rushed out of the library and out to the courtyard.

She ran into the middle of the courtyard, when she heard voices coming from one of the arches. "Harry? Hermoine? What are you two doing here?" Lorette asked when the two third year's faces came into view. "Uncle Sirius?"

"Uncle Sirius?" Harry repeated questioningly.

"Paws, I have to be going soon." Sirius said quietly.

"What do you mean? I haven't seen you in ages, not since Hogsmaede. We still have so much to talk about." Lorette said frantically.

"We have all the time in the world for that, Paws." Sirius said calmly, placing a hand on Lorette's shoulder to comfort her.

"No! You don't know that! You're a wanted criminal and everyone is out to get your blood and what if someone finds you and then we won't have-" Lorette said as hot tears began to roll down her rosy cheeks.

"Lory, I assure you, we have all the time in the world. No matter where I am, you know you can always talk to me." Sirius said.

Lorette pulled him into a tight hug as tears stained his worn and torn uniform. Sirius held her head as she silently sobbed into his shirt.

"I really do have to be going." Sirius said, pulling away from Lorette. He gave Harry a quick reassuring smile and Hermoine a nod. Sirius hopped onto Buckbeak, he waved goodbye as he flew off into the dark night.

"We should go to the hospital wing, that's where Ron is." Lorette said, still staring at the sky.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go." Harry nodded.

The three walked to the hospital wing, still in shock from the previous events that had just occurred.

Lorette walked into the room, seeing her siblings gathered around Ron, who looked oddly confused. She gave Lucas a knowing look and a nod. As if confirming that it had been done, that Sirius was safe.

"B-But you- you were just there!" Ron shouted in confusion.

"Harry, what's he talking about?" Hermoine asked jokingly.

"I have no idea." Harry responded laughing.

Lorette watched as Sofia held Ron's hand and smiled at him as he told them the story of how he met Sirius and how he was attacked. And her siblings listened and laughed at the parts where they knew Ron was exaggerating. It felt normal.

Everyone was safe again.

Or were they?

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is the end of Prisoner of Azkaban! Sorry if you feel it was a bit rushed, but I'm REALLY excited to start writing about this summer so get ready!
- belle

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