13. His Jacket

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The time had finally come for Oliver's and Lorette's first date. He had decided to surprise Lorette and not tell her where they were going. Lorette was nervous, a good kind of nervous. She finally felt good about her decision, although it still made her heart ache every time she saw Fred whisper into Angelina's ear.

Angelina had finally begun to be nice to Lorette again. The two had been friends since first year but when Lorette caught her and Fred the first time, Angelina began acting rude and cold towards her.

"You don't seem so stressed about what you're gonna wear?" Annabeth said as she watched Lorette walked out of the closet.

"I'm not. Oliver said to wear something comfortable and casual." Lorette said.

It was January, which meant it was still really cold out. So Lorette decided to wear a pair of straight jeans with a button up knit sweater and chunky boots.

"Oh shit! I've gotta go!" Lorette said as she rushed to put her necklace on. She went to grab a jacket and left.

"Have fun!" Annabeth yelled from the dorm room.
"Lory, hi!" Oliver said as Lorette walked towards him in the courtyard.

"Hi." Lorette said, smiling.

"Shall we?" Oliver said, offering his hand.

"We shall." Lorette said, taking his hand.

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and classes were done for the weekend. The sky was clear and the sun was shining, but not bright enough to melt the snow off the ground.

"Now, I'm not one for sneaking out, but Weasley helped me with this." Oliver said, leading Lorette down a dark tunnel behind one of the paintings.

"Weasley? Fred helped you?" Lorette asked, surprised that Fred would help Oliver.

"Yup. Surprising, I know, but he said he would do anything to make sure you had a good time." Oliver said.

Lorette smiled and her stomach fluttered. Fred had helped Oliver so she could have a good time.

"Here we are." Oliver said.

They stood in front of Honeydukes, not the most romantic place, but it was Lorette's favorite place. She loved candy and sweet things and she loved Honeydukes.

"How'd you know Honeydukes is my favorite?" Lorette asked, waiting to go inside.

"Weasley. He pretty much set up this whole thing." Oliver said.

He told him where to take me?! Why is he making it so hard to get over him?!

"That's really, um, sweet of him." Lorette managed to say.

"Sure is. Let's go in?" Oliver asked.

Lorette nodded excitedly. She walked in and was immediately welcomed with the scent of sugar and blue raspberry. Lily and James used to take her there when she was little, that's why she loved it so much.

"You can get anything you'd like." Oliver said, holding up a large bag of coins.

Lorette's smile widened even more and rushed around the store, grabbing everything she could. She first grabbed some chocolate frogs, for Ron and Sofia. Then some sugar quills for Annabeth. She also picked up some pink coconut ice, it was Lorette's favorite. Lastly, she got some Pepper Imps, salt water taffy, and exploding bon bons for George and Fred.

"Wow! That's all you're getting?" Oliver said sarcastically, holding a small bag of fizzing whizzbees.

"I can't believe that's all you're getting!" Lorette said, struggling to hold all her candies.

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