35. Dragons and Harpies

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"W-What?!" Lorette stammered. "Dragons?!"

Harry nodded fearfully. "I saw 'em myself, Lor!"

"Rowena help me," Lorette muttered under her breath.

"I'm not ready to fight dragons!" Harry exploded. "I can't fight dragons!"

"You'll be fine, we've been practicing for weeks now! I've taught you everything that Lucas taught me, and you know he's really good,"

"But I'm not him!" snapped Harry.

"No, you're better." Lorette declared.

"Don't lie to me," he scoffed.

"You'll be fine." she repeated. "Just fine."
Sunday morning, Lorette rushed out of her dorm and down many corridors and up some staircases, down others. All the way until she reached the other side of the castle to the Gryffindor common room.

"Fortem" Lorette whispered to the Fat Lady.

"Lorette, dear, welcome back!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks Florence-" Lorette said quickly.

"D'you wanna hear my song?" she asked hopefully.

"I really can't, Florence-" Lorette murmured, looking around the halls in case anyone was there to see her. Luckily, she saw no one.

"Oh please Lorette! I'll be quick, I promise!" the Fat Lady begged.

"Uh- yeah, fine," Lorette agreed. "But please, please, please be quick!"

"AHHHHHHHH!" Florence began. Two minutes later, she closed her mouth and smiled. "That's it!"

Lorette began clapping and cheering quietly. "That was really good, Florence! Definitely one of my favorites! But I must say 'Aida' is my all-time favorite."

"Thank you, dear!" Florence gushed. "Okay, okay, now go on." her portrait began moving to reveal the small entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

"Thanks Florence," Lorette praised. "I'd love to hear another one of your songs soon!"

"You're too sweet!" she heard the Fat Lady's voice from behind her.

Dean Thomas emerged from the couch in front of the fireplace. "Hey Lorette!"

"Hi, is Harry here?" she asked, looking around the room.

"He's probably still in his room," said Dean.

"That git! He should be up by now!" Lorette muttered to herself as she ran up the stairs.

"Have you seen Sofia? I've been meaning to talk to her," Dean called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Uh- she's probably in the Ravenclaw common room. She's always there." she told him.


Lorette burst open the door of Harry's room. "Harry James Potter! Get your arse up!"

"Go away!" Harry groaned. "Let me sleep!"

"I swear on Rowena's grave if you don't- get up!" she demanded. "We've got training to do! Get up! Hermione has agreed to help us!"

"Alright, alright, I'm up!" Harry sat up and rubbed his red and puffy eyes.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" Lorette asked.

"Um- no. Not really," he said in a low voice so he wouldn't be scolded by Lorette.

"What?! Why not?!"


She closed her mouth and quickly changed the subject.

"Okay then, get dressed. I'll be in the common room. We've got little time to spare!" Lorette instructed.

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