26. Big Summer Bash

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: above, I have provided a picture of what the sisters' dresses looked like. The skin tones and hair colors do not correspond to Lorette's, Lucia's, or Sofia's.
The dress at the very top is Lorette's, the second one is Lucia's, and the third one is Sofia's.

Friday morning, Margot was rushing around the house- well that's not really the word for it- she was rushing around the palace preparing for the party they would be hosting later that evening.

Lorette and her sisters were getting ready in Lucia's bathroom. Lorette had curlers in her hair and Sofia was straightening her hair while Lucia tried to paint her nails.

Periwinkle appeared at the bedroom window, holding an envelope that was from none other than Oliver Wood. Lorette cooed at the bird and thanked him.

"Is that from Oliver?" Sofia asked as she peered over her sister's shoulder.

Lorette nodded and excitedly ripped open in the letter. She read aloud to her sisters:


Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself in Paris so far.

As for my summer, I've been trying out for a couple different teams, so far none of them have responded- but the again, tryouts were only this morning so... I'm hoping Puddlemere will sign me, but we will see.

Don't have too much at this party without me.

Miss you dearly,

Sofia and Lucia sighed sarcastically placing their hands to their foreheads. Lorette laughed and rolled her eyes, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"I'm surprised you two are still together." Lucia admitted, returning to her nails.

"What do you mean?" Lorette asked, sounding a little more agitated than she'd liked.

"Lory, don't be offended or anything, its just- well, I mean he's graduated and starting his life and you're- no offense, but you're a little school girl, who might hold him back from all his- um dreams." Lucia said, instantly regretting what she had admitted.

"I guess you're right, but we're both happy and I just want at least this summer with him- thought I guess it really won't be with him." Lorette said to herself.

"Well, let's change this incredibly uncomfortable subject." Lucia said, lightly slapping her thighs. "Have you guys noticed how much more time mother and father have been spending together?"

"Yeah, ever since we came back from Italy, they can actually...tolerate each other." Sofia said.

"It's strange isn't it?" Lucia said, trying to paint her nails. "I mean, since childhood all I remember is mother and father never near each other and suddenly, they're this perfect couple who sit and read together and visit their children together and host parties and everything else normal married people do."

"Maybe, they've realized they do love each other?" Sofia said, though her tone was far from convincing.

Lorette had barely paid attention to what her sisters were saying as she was writing back to Oliver.

Dear Ollie,

I'm sure Puddlemere will be more than lucky to have you on their team, you are an amazing quidditch player. (Not better than me, but nonetheless amazing.)

I'm a bit nervous for this party if I'm honest, but still excited. I'll tell you more after the party.


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