4. Just Friends

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Over the course of the next four weeks, the tension between Fred and Lorette was rising. They could barely stand to be in the same room or in the same hallway. George was struggling to keep peace between the two, constantly hearing them both bicker about each other.

Lorette's anger turned into ambition and she began working harder at quidditch. She was always there before the rest of the team and kept practicing even after the team had left.

"De Rossi, I love you're new sudden burst of ambition, but you need to slow down before you over work yourself." Mairah came up to Lorette after practice one day.

"I'll be fine, Mariah."

"Lor, I don't want you don't over work yourself before our first big game. Promise me you won't."

"I won't, I promise."

But Lorette lied, she overworked herself by the time the first game came around.

"De Rossi! You look a mess!" Mariah shouted as Lorette walked into the changing room. "You lied to me! You better not ruin this for me- for us De Rossi!"

"I'm fine, Springer!"

"Are you sure you can play, Lor?" Cho asked sweetly.

"Yes, Cho. I can play just fine." Lorette smiled back warmly.

Lorette was playing fine, until Fred suddenly flew past her. She could barely focus on the snitch as Fred zoomed back and forth in front of her.

"Fred, will you cut it out!" She said nervously. Her grip was tight on the broom.

Fred smirked and shook his head. "Fred I'm serious stop-" but she was interrupted as Fred collided into her. Lorette fell of her broom and started falling. "Fred you son of a bitch!" She screamed. Her arms and legs flailing in the air as she fell. She shut her eyes tight, waiting to hit the ground. She felt someone's hand around her wrist.

Oliver grabbed her hand and helped her onto his broom. "Alright there, De Rossi?" He smirked at her.

"Yeah, brilliant, actually." She smiled back.

"This game has been post poned, as Fred Weasley has unfairly knocked Lorette De Rossi off her broom." Lee Jordan announced.

"Thanks for catching me, Wood. Could've been a pretty bad accident if you hadn't." Lorette told Oliver as she got off her broom.

"Any time, Lorette, anytime." He smiled. "Uh... I hate to leave, but I have to go talk to my idiot teammate. Wait for me?" Oliver said. Lorette nodded and watched him walk off to Fred, who had just landed.

"Weasley! What the bloody hell is wrong with you? You know thats fowl play! I know you want to win, but that badly that you would knock Lorette of her broom? She could've been seriously hurt and you would've been suspended for the season! We can't afford to have you suspended for the season!" Oliver began scolding Fred.

"Will you shove off Wood! I'm going to apologize, I never meant to knock her off!" Fred waved his arms in the air and walked towards Lorette who was standing awkwardly, pretending not to hear anything. "Lory, I'm sorry for knocking you off your broom. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Fred, lucky for you, Oliver caught me in time." She smiled at Oliver, who smiled back, looking a bit proud of himself.

Fred looked back at Oliver and then back at Lorette. Jealousy burning in his eyes. "Oh, I see." He said.

Lorette gave him a questioning look and tilted her head, "Hm?"

"Nothing. Anyhow, is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Fred asked.

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