14. Valentine's Day

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The picture above is what Lorette's dress looks like.

Lorette awoke on Monday morning to a bouquet of flowers and a note on her nightstand.


Happy Valentine's Day. I'll see you tonight.



Lorette had been dreading Valentine's day, she knew it meant another "romantic" night with Oliver where she would be thinking about Fred instead. What scared her more, was that Oliver and she hadn't had sex yet and she worried that he would want this to be...the night.

Annabeth had told Lorette that Oliver had had sex on his mind a lot lately, but Lorette knew she wasn't ready for that. Oh, the problems of dating someone older than you. She was only about to turn sixteen, but Oliver was about to turn eighteen, he had wants and needs that Lorette just couldn't meet.

"Is that from Oliver again?" Annabeth asked as she sat up in her bed, hair messy and pajamas crinkled.

Oliver had been sending Lorette flowers and a note for the past two weeks, in his best romantic efforts.

"Yup." Lorette sighed.

"Lory, are you sure you're ready for this? It's definitely his plans for tonight." Annabeth said.

"Yeah, I think I am." Lorette said, her tone was unsure.

"Really? Because your mind is saying something else..." Annabeth said.

"God Bethy! When will you learn to stop reading minds?" Lorette said, she wasn't really upset with Annabeth, Lorette knew she only had good intentions. But she was so scared about tonight with Oliver.

George and Fred had finally convinced Dumbledore to allow them to throw a Valentine's Day party in the Great Hall, but only for students in their fifth year and above. Hogwarts had a day off on Valentine's day, because Saint Valentine was a wizard- and a great friend of Rowena Ravenclaw.

The theme for the party was formal, everyone was supposed to wear their best dresses and suits. This wasn't just like a regular school party the twins usually threw, this was elegant and classy.

George and Annabeth were finally official and Annabeth was so excited to spend her Valentine's Day with someone instead of being alone.


"Lory, hi!" George said excitedly, peering into the dorm. "Where is-"

"She's still getting ready, you said you'd be here at 7, its only 6:45?" Lorette said, letting George in.

"Yeah well, I just didn't wanna wait any longer." George gave Lorette a toothy grin, he was so clearly falling for Annabeth, and it seemed Annabeth was too. Lorette was happy at least someone she knew was in a happy relationship.

Annabeth walked out in a black and flowy midi dress. She had her hair in a low bun and a pair of pearl earrings on. She was wearing a pair of black square-toe heels. She looked absolutely stunning.

It took George a few moments before he could find the words to say. "W-Wow y-you look b-beautiful." He managed to splurt out.

"Sorry, I was rushing. I didn't expect you until 7 so I-" Annabeth said, but was interrupted by George.

"You look stunning, love." He grinned at her. "M'Lady." George said, offering his arm.

Lorette watched the two of them and how they looked at each other. They were utterly consumed by love and lust, Lorette only wished she could feel that way about Oliver.

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