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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, so I wanted to just expand more on Lorette's past and her family so I've made this little filler chapter that just talks about Lorette's life and family before her summer in Italy. I mainly want to focus on her family and their relationships with the Weasleys. I want to take this time to analyze the characters to help the readers understand more about them. This "chapter" is not important so you can skip if you like. Enjoy!

In the first chapter, we learn about the relationship between Lorette and her mother and Lorette and her father. I'll go more into detail with Amira later. Either way, Lorette is part veela and she's a pureblood. That was my first mistake in writing. I realize that you can't be a pureblood and be part veela, but I needed both for the plot of story. Lorette hates being part veela because she's always felt like any guy who's ever shown interest in her only showed interest because of her veela powers. Furthermore, her parents are very old school and think they are better than most because they're very wealthy and pureblooded. Lorette hates that mentality. Here's the thing, Vittorio and Amira are not like Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, because Vittorio and Amira are still very close with the Weasleys, who are considered "blood traitors". The main difference between Amira and Vittorio is that while Vittorio thinks he's better than most because of his blood status, he still associates with muggle-borns, half-bloods, and half-breeds. Meanwhile, Amira does not like to associate with anyone other than purebloods. Amira has tried to implant her beliefs onto her childrens beliefs, luckily though, the De Rossi children have spent enough time with the Weasleys to learn to treat others fairly, even if they weren't purebloods. Arthur and Vittorio met at Hogwarts, however they didn't become friends until they began working at the ministry. Arthur is 3 years older than Vittorio. Obviously, Molly and Amira became friends once Vittorio introduced them. Although Amira would never admit it, she is secretly jealous of Molly for having such a successful marriage and loving family. Amira wanted her children to grow up in a healthy and loving environment. That is why she sent them to the Burrow so often, because she knew Molly and Arthur would provide the love that Amira and Vittorio couldn't. Of course, Vittorio sent the Weasleys money to keep them stable, it was unfair to make them take care of six more children with so little money. Vittorio even offered to buy them a bigger house once, but Arthur kindly declined. I thought about making Lorette that cliche book-worm type character, but I thought making her a little more similar to Fred would just stand out more. Lorette loves partying and she loves dancing and having a reckless night, but she also cares a lot about her grades and reputation. Coming from such an important family, she's taken extra precautions to not tarnish her family's reputation. Lorette is very outgoing and makes friends easily, probably because of her family's status. She doesn't enjoy pranking, but she enjoys watching Fred and George prank. I feel like I haven't shown the friendship between Fred, George, and Lorette enough. Lorette and the twins are extremely close because they've known each other since birth. I will definitely show how close they are in the next chapters to come. Lorette's relationship with Oliver is her first serious relationship, although they're not officially dating. I wanted to make Oliver the good guy, the good first boyfriend. Lorette is really worried because she doesn't feel the same sparks with Oliver as she feels with Fred so she's kind of trying to have feelings for Oliver. I'm trying to make Oliver a bigger character and show the relationship with him and Lorette. However, I will tell you that after POA he becomes a smaller character and less important to the story. I have plans for Lorette's next love interest for GOF, I won't spoil too much, but he will be the complete opposite of Oliver Wood. Let's talk more about Amira Fawley De Rossi, Amira comes from a pureblood family. Like I said earlier, she's very old school and misogynistic. She favors her sons over her daughters. In a couple of chapters, you'll understand why Amira favors her sons and treats them better, but for now you'll just have to wait and see. Amira and Vittorio are still married because from their perspective, it's a disgrace to get divorced. Lorette and her siblings rarely spend time at home, they go from school to the Burrow to school again. They've looked after each other and stay close. They rarely fight and they have a really good relationship. Lorette looks up to her older brother, Lucas, a lot because he reminds her of her father. As you all know, Fred does die at the end of the Harry Potter series, during the Battle of Hogwarts. I have not decided whether or not I will let him die or if I'll save him, so I guess you'll be finding out with me. I also don't know if I'll let Sirius die or if I'll save him, we will see. I think I already explained enough the relations to the Black family and why Lorette is related to them so I won't really talk about that now, but if you'd like me too, I would be more than willing to discuss it.



AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, so that's it I think. I have a lot of plans for this story and I'm very excited to show you guys the plot twists and character development that will come later on. I published chapter 9 earlier this morning and I finished chapter 10 last night so that will probably be posted tomorrow. I hope this helped you to understand the story and the characters better! Remember to please vote/comment for the story's success!
- belle <3

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