8. Holiday Break

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Weeks had passed since their trip and Christmas had finally rolled around the corner.

Per usual, the De Rossi's were going to spend their holiday break at the Burrow. Amira and Vittorio wouldn't join their kids until the day before Christmas Eve.

"Are you excited about holiday? This first term has felt eternal." Annabeth groaned as she jumped on her bed.

"I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not sure I'm excited." Lorette said, stuffing some sweaters into her suitcase.

"Mm gonna miss Wood?" Annabeth smirked.

"You could say that." Lorette smiled back, although she hadn't even thought about missing him.

"Have you two...gone exclusive yet?" Annabeth asked.

"I think we're just keeping it casual for now. It's for the best, with him graduating and all." Lorette said. "You're going to your dad's shop again?"

"As always." Annabeth scoffed. "Stupid wand shop. Dad said he's got some sort of special surprise for me."

"Sounds fun. Though I'm sure you much rather spend it with a certain ginger..."

"Nah. George has been all over Alicia Spinnet lately. It's like every guy I want is interested in someone else." Annabeth whined.


"Write to me?" Lorette said as she met with Oliver once the train had arrived in London.

"Of course." He smiled.

"I'll miss you." She said, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips. The kiss seemed to last forever and everything around her went dark.

"Me too Lory. But it's only two weeks." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. "A long two weeks." He sighed.

"Lory!" Sofia yelled.

Lorette kissed Oliver once more before waving goodbye.

"Gross." Lorenzo said, pretending to gag.

"Piss off." Lorette rolled her eyes.

"Some kiss, eh?" George asked, noticing Lorette's rosey cheeks.

Thankfully, Lorette had finally begun getting butterflies for Oliver and now every touch they shared sent sparks through her body.

Fred scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Lorette raised an eyebrow "Got something to say about my kiss?"

"Just right out in public, for everyone to see." Fred snapped.

"Oh you've got no room to speak, mate. Everyone has seen you snogging Angelina at least once this term." Lorette snapped back.

"Whatever. Mum should be waiting for us." Fred said, picking up his old suitcase off the floor.

The large group walked towards a small plump redheaded lady with open arms.

"My lovies!" She squealed in excitement, giving each one a peck on the cheek. "Marcus! Look at you! You've grown at least an inch since the last time I saw you!"

Mrs. Weasley hadn't seen any of the De Rossi's since before the summer.

"Come along dearies, we've got to get home!"


When Lorette arrived at the burrow, she was greeted by a scent of cookies and burning wood. The house was warm and cozy, it felt more like a home than the De Rossi mansion had ever felt.

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