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hello to all my lovely (and patient) readers!

im sorry for being so MIA for the past two months, i wont go into deep about why ive been gone for so long. anyways, i want to (once again) thank you all for your patience with me and how long its taken me to rewrite this book! it truly means so much to me.

now that ive finished a few chapters, i was wondering if you guys would rather i update with every rewritten chapter or wait until i finish rewriting the entire book and publish the chapters altogether?

let me know here —>

i also want to thank you all for 8K reads! i am so truly grateful for all of my readers, i would be nothing without you guys!

all my love,
isa <3


adding onto yesterday's question, should i just take down all the chapters i have and start fresh with the new chapters?

answer here —>

all my love,
isa <3

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