10. Dates

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"Now, you keep me updated on that Wood boy! I want to be the first one to know everything!" Molly said to Lorette before boarding the train.

"Of course, Molly, you'll be the first one!" Lorette laughed.

"Be good my loves!" Molly yelled to the teenagers.

"Especially you two!" Arthur pointed to the twins who shrugged in response.
Things between Fred and Lorette had only gotten more awkward since they had realized their feelings for each other. They kept exchanging glances, staring at each other when the other "Now, you keep me updated on that Wood boy! I want to be the first one to know everything!" Molly said to Lorette before boarding the train.

"Of course, Molly, you'll be the first one!" Lorette laughed.

"Be good my loves!" Molly yelled to the teenagers.

"Especially you two!" Arthur pointed to the twins who shrugged in response.


Things between Fred and Lorette had only gotten more awkward. They kept exchanging glances, staring at each other when the other wasn't looking. And in his best efforts to make up for his shitty behavior for the last couple of months, Fred had become nicer.

Lorette searched the train for Annabeth, but instead found Oliver.

"Lory!" Oliver went to hug Lorette, who froze in place.

"Oliver!" She exclaimed.

He kissed her lips. Thank god Lorette thought to herself. Sparks are still there. She felt herself blush.

"I've missed you so much Lory! I have so much to tell you!" He seemed so excited to see her and Lorette only wished she could return the same excitement.

They finally found Annabeth who was holding hands with none other than Roger Davies.

"Oh hey guys!" She said, hugging Lorette. Roger waved at the two.

Eventually, Lorette fell asleep on Oliver's shoulder. She was exhausted after the stressful week of new found emotions.

"Lory" Oliver whispered. "Lory, we're almost at Hogwarts." He began gently nudging her to wake up. "Go change into your robes."

Lorette woke up and grabbed her robes to go change. When she reached the bathroom, she knocked on the door. No response. She opened the door and found herself in a very familiar situation.

"Merlin's bear Fred! Do you know how to lock a door? Is it that hard?" Lorette yelled, shutting the door and walking away.

She went to another bathroom and changed there, unwanted jealousy pumping through her body. Of course, the first person she saw standing outside of the bathroom was Fred.

"Lory," Fred said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Is it that hard to lock a door? We learned the spell first year! If you'd like a refresher, it's Colloportus. Use it." Lorette said as she began to walk away "And stop shagging in the bathroom!"

She returned to the compartment and sat down next to Oliver. Lorette noticed Annabeth and Roger had left.

"How long do you think they'll be gone?" She asked.

"At least 5 minutes." Oliver grinned, cupping her jaw and bringing her lips to his.

After what she had seen, she needed something to distract her, and kissing Oliver was just the thing.

Lorette was surprised when she felt Oliver's tounge begin teasing her bottom lip, but soon enough returned the favor. Their desperate kiss was broken when Fred appeared at the door.

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