18. Jealousy

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For their birthday, Lorette had decided to throw another huge party for her and the twin's birthday.

Fred and George were two days older than Lorette, born the first of April and Lorette being born the third. They always made fun of her for being younger than them and constantly pulled the "I'm older so I'm wiser" card.

Since Lorette could remember, the three had celebrated their birthday together.

The party would be held at the De Rossi mansion once again, it was getting warmer so they could probably do it outside. Lorette was incredibly excited for her sixteenth birthday- one year closer to turning eighteen.

The twins were just as excited and tried their best to help Lorette. The guest list from Oliver's party had nearly tripled. Lorette had invited every fifth, sixth, and seventh year student from Hogwarts, even Slytherins.

The party would be the weekend before spring holidays, which let out on Fred's and George's actual birthday.


The day of the party had arrived and Lorette couldn't be more excited, with her two best friends and boyfriend by her side, life couldn't be better.

Amira and Vittorio had agreed to go on another "holiday" so Lorette and her siblings could have the house to themselves.

The courtyard had been decorated with banners and tables full of snacks and alcohol. There were lights set up all over the trees so when the sun went down, they wouldn't be in the dark.

As usual, Ron, Ginny, Sofia, Lorenzo, and Marcus would be in the guest house. Ron had invited Harry and Hermoine and Lorette had allowed Cho to go so she could spend time with Harry.

Everyone would be arriving around 5:00 p.m. most people would be sleeping over and Lorette had prepared all the guest rooms and added extra mattresses for everyone. It was going to be a magnificent night.


Guests began arriving around 5:00 p.m., as scheduled. By 6:30, everyone had arrived and the party had officially started.

Oliver was running late and hadn't yet arrived, but Lorette had barely noticed.

"Having fun, birthday girl?" Fred asked as he walked up to Lorette, who was standing at one of the tables eating pretzels.

"Loads of fun, and you?" She asked.

"Oh yeah loads. I love seeing so many girls dance for me." Fred joked.

"You twat!" Lorette said, playfully shoving Fred's shoulder. "I noticed Angelina isn't here."

"Yeah we've, um, broken up." Fred said, looking down at his hands.

"Oh Freddie, when?" Lorette asked.

"A couple weeks ago." Fred said awkwardly.

"Why didn't you tell me? Oh, I'm so sorry, Freddie!" Lorette said, turning to face him so she could hug him.

"It wasn't a big deal." Fred said, eagerly hugging back.

"Well, I'm sorry that it happened. But maybe it's for the best." Lorette said, talking against Fred's chest.

"Yeah, it probably is." Fred replied, his head resting on top of Lorette's.

At that moment, Oliver happened to walk in. "You two look awfully cosy." He said bitterly.

Fred and Lorette immediately pulled away and stood apart awkwardly. Lorette ran up to Oliver to say hello.

"Hey, Ollie. When did you get here?" Lorette said.

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