5. Dance With Me

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M The next day, Annabeth spent the whole day preparing for the party. Not only was her knew possible Beau going to be there, but so would Cedric. Of course, she dragged Lorette, who was more than eager to go to the party after she had realized Oliver would be going.

Annabeth was going over with Lorette to make sure they had done everything, "Legs?"

"Shaved." Loretted replied firmly.



"Kitty cat?"

Lorette opened her mouth but closed it again in confusion, "Kitty cat?" She repeated.

"Y'Know...like...down there..." Annabeth said, waving her hand over her pelvis.

Lorette's eyes widened. "Not shaved. But it will be in a second." She walked into the bathroom. Annabeth laughed and rolled her eyes.

A couple minutes later, Lorette came out again, "Shaved."

Annabeth nodded. "Good, now more importantly what are you wearing?"

Lorette was tilted her head, "Good Godric! I haven't thought of that!" She rushed over to her closet and with a wave of her wand, the clothes floated out of the closet, the pants and skirts rearranging with different tops. "God! What am I going to wear?" Lorette's tone was desperate as she moved the clothes in midair.

Annabeth looked at all the clothes, Lorette had a generous amount of clothes. Each time Lorette got an A on a test or quiz, which was very often, her father would let her go on a shopping spree. He also let her go on a shopping spree each time Ravenclaw won a game, school got stressful, or her mother gave her a hard time. To put it simply, Lorette's father gave her money to make up for his absence in her life. Usually, Lorette would put the money towards saving, but she occasionally bought loads of clothes.

"Wear this." Annabeth said, finally grabbing a small black lacey dress. "And I'll be wearing this" Annabeth said as she took a black leather mini skirt as well as a tight fitted white shirt. "It's like we're matching...sort of."

Lorette stared at the dress and tilted her head, "You don't think its too much?"

"No, I think its just the right amount. Besides, you've filled out, you should show it off more."

Lorette shrugged and went to try it on. She walked out and stared into the mirror admiring herself. She had hexed all her clothes so that it would fit her perfectly, and boy was it useful. The dress curved around her waist and hips, hugging every curve of her torso perfectly. Annabeth hollered at her as to boost her friend's confidence.

"Should I put my hair up or down?" Lorette asked, while grabbing her hair and putting it into a bun, then letting it go to see which style she liked better.

"I say, you let it be free. When you're dancing with Oliver, it'll flow beautifully." Annabeth said as she began waving Lorette's hair around.

"I'm not wearing heels tonight, they always get stuck and dirty in the grass." Lorette said.

"Fine, just wear some white plimsolls."

"But what if they get dirty?"

"You'll buy a new pair."

Lorette rolled her eyes and went to grab her white tennis shoes from the closet. "Do you think Cedric will go? The twins aren't exactly fans of his, do you think he was invited?" Loretted asked as she came back out of the closet and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Dunno. They don't like him, but they always invite everyone, even the Slytherins." Annabeth replied.

Lorette pointed to the clock that said 8:54 p.m. Annabeth rushed to put on a pair of platform sandals and Lorette grabbed a jean jacket that was hanging on the coat rack, the two girls ran out of their dorm and to the quidditch field.
"Ladies! So glad you could make it!" George said as he walked up to them. He eyed Lorette, "You took my advice! Nice dress!" He winked. "Fred," he whispered to Lorette "is over there. Angelina left him to go dance with Pucey. Go get 'em."

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