Chapter Two

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[Alyx's P.O.V]

I sit at the end of a long bench, with Mitch sitting opposite me and the boys all chowing down on whatever they could get their hands on at the serving desk. I poke nervously at a cheese panini that looks like it might get up and stroll off of my plate at any moment, and grimace.

"This school sucks for vegetarian options, then." Not a question.

Laurence answers anyway. "Yeah, I've always hated it. No wonder I always used to bring my own food. Until Drew started eating it, for fear that he might eat someone's intestines."

I cock an eyebrow as I look towards Drew, who shrugs. "Long story." He mumbles. "Tofu wards it off, as do biscuits."

Okay, because things couldn't get any weirder, right?

"Kier." Mitch says; her twin looks up quickly, his face stuffed with pizza. "You guys are going to that gig on Saturday, right?" He nods slowly, quickly swallowing his pizza.

"Yeah. Well stoked."

"Who's playing?" I ask, suddenly curious.

"Some band called My Passion. Kier's been into them for a while, now, so we're taking him to see them. He's well excited." Luke tells me, fiddling with his drumsticks. "Right enough, I don't mind them myself. I mean, they're no Metallica, but-"

"You. Are. Obsessed." Barrone mutters, giving Luke a pointed look and tossing his bobble hat at the clearly aspiring drummer.


"You have a tattoo of Lars Ulrich on your fracking arm." Barrone says simply, his voice deep and monotonous, as if he's clearly disinterested in everything. "You're obsessed."

I smile. "In all honesty, I think Lars is pretty worthy of being a tattoo." Barrone glares at me as if I just majorly pissed on his campfire, and I put my hands up in defence. "Just saying."

Luke quickly high-fives me, grinning, and for a short while we break into a conversation about our favourite drummers, and of course why Lars Ulrich is such a good drummer - we can't find a cause for his supreme talent, and decide to leave this investigation on hiatus. As I stand up slowly, grabbing my tray, Mitch dumps hers on top, grinning at me, and I smile slightly, slinging my bag over my shoulder and rolling my eyes. Kier, Luke and Laurence dump their trays on top of mine and Mitch's, and Barrone grabs the bundle of them, flinging them at an unsuspecting Drew; he yelps slightly, and then sighs, grabbing the trays and taking them over to the front of the hall where the rest of the used trays seem to be kept. As he returns, I pull out my timetable, sighing.

"What're you in?" Mitch glances at my timetable and then gasps. "Lucky cow! Double library session! Can I steal your identity?"

I smile. "Uhm, let me think about it...nope."

She groans, and then the bell rings. She promises to meet me outside the library when she leaves her class, and I frown, suddenly unsure of where to go. Shane proclaims that he's in art, and Kier disappears with Laurence and Luke with barely a hasty farewell. I feel a hand gripping my wrist as Drew tugs me down the corridor. I follow on silently, being bashed on all sides by jostling crowds, and then he pushes open a pair of large double doors, pulling me inside a modern-looking room that must be the library. I look around me silently, noticing that I'm probably taller than most of the bookshelves, and computers line two of the walls. I look towards the silent blond-haired boy, suddenly curious.

"You're in here, too?" He nods silently, sitting down at a desk near the window, and I leave my bag on the seat next to him, looking around the library and browsing through the books silently. It doesn't take me long to notice that there is a graphic novel section, and I find myself making an instant beeline towards it, instinctively grabbing several comics - the Watchmen, Batman, and a few Iron Man comics. As I settle down at the table with my comics next to Drew, it takes me a second to notice his sudden interest in what I'm reading.

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