Chapter Eighteen

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed, with a firm arm encircling my waist and a face nuzzling the crook of my neck. I can hear soft snores, and I shift slightly. I can see the familiar sandy-brown hair, his face calm and peaceful as he sleeps. A pang of regret flushes through me for some strange reasons, and I rack my brains for why I feel this regret. The party was great, nothing could've went smoother than it did. I frown deeply, and then dismiss my confusion, for a moment snuggling closer and just wanting to be in his arms for a second longer. I feel Drew's arms tighten around my waist, and then he pushes up to rest on his elbow, leaning over me.

"You're still here." He leans down and kisses me softly, nuzzling his nose against mine as he always does when we kiss, smiling.

"Of course." I reach up nervously and tangle my fingers in his thick hair, his lips pressing softly against mine as he winds an arm around my waist again and another hand tangles in my hair. He scoops me up and pulls me closer to him, and I oblige, only wanting to be closer to him.

Our kiss ends all too soon as I hear a knock on the bedroom door; Drew quickly pulls away, and I roll out of the bed, hitting the floor with a thump as I groan in pain.

The door opens, and I hear Kier's familiar low chuckle.

"At it again, huh."

"No!" I protest from the floor. "We weren't at anything! We-"

"Why on earth are you on the floor, you madwoman?" Kier asks, voice filled with amusement. I groan, and then push into a sitting position, looking Kier right in the eye over the bed. "You have to tell my sister eventually, Alyx. She's your best friend, and you know fine well she'll have your lungs for not telling her." I smile grimly, knowing it's true.

"...Fine. I..." I look towards Drew. He nods slowly.

"You should tell her as soon as you can. I mean-"

"Why don't you just let all the guys know?" Kier asks. "They're all in there, and you two are practically smitten." I flush a deep shade of red at the thought, and Drew sits up groggily in bed.

"Meh, good point. Come on." He grabs me quickly, and I yelp, remembering that I'm only in an Iron Man t-shirt.

"Wait!" I yelp, grabbing my jeans.

Why are my jeans not already on me?! Dirty Barnesy, what did you do last night?!

I yank on my jeans, noticing how Kier chuckles at Drew's pink face, the sandy-brown haired boy looking down at the floor wordlessly.

"Okay, now I'm," I grimace at the fact I'm still wearing Drew's Iron Man t-shirt, "decent."

Drew smiles, before planting his hands firmly on my hips. He manoeuvres me out of the room, Kier dodging ahead and dropping onto the floor before us as Drew shoves me into the centre of the room. I cross my arms behind my back, an old habit of mine, to hide my scarred arms.

"I...w-we have something to tell you." I say quietly.

They're all seated around their usual places in the front room, all staring up expectantly at Drew and I, and eyeing me suspiciously because I'm wearing one of Drew's t-shirts.

"Uh...D-Drew and I...we, uh...we..." I stutter. "Uh-"

Drew sighs, smiling slightly. His expression has 'you tried' painted all over it. "Alyx and I are a couple. Just thought we'd let you know."

I flush a deep shade of scarlet, and Mitch is the first to react - by squeaking continuously and flapping her arms like the rabid fangirl she is.

"Oh my God I knew it! I knew it all along! What did I tell you?!"

"Uhm...that you knew it?" Kier suggests, grinning, and Mitch scowls at her twin brother. "By the way, Alyx, I'll pick up your stuff up from my parents' house, and once you're ready I'll drive you home." I nod slowly, moving to sit down on the floor, the only clear spot being next to Laurence. I smile up in greeting at the panda-eyed, round-faced boy, and notice that his returning smile is almost sad.

"Well, uh...congrats, I guess; took the pair of you bloody long enough!" He nudges me playfully, his grin masking his strange disappointment, and then he quickly stands up. "Kier, I'll come with you." He and Kier bid us all a momentary farewell. Laurence's eyes meet mine for a second as he leaves the flat, and suddenly I remember what I did last night.

And dammit if I don't regret it.

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[Author's Message]

Well, here's chapter 18! I would've had this up sooner but I was too busy screaming about Dirty Dancing and Sherlock... *apologises solemnly*

Anyway. I'll be brief; leave feedback, and if you want you can drop a vote? *hint hint* I don't know if I'll upload tomorrow or not, seeing as tomorrow is New Year's Eve and all...well, it's 1am, technically it's New Year now. But in case I don't upload: Happy New Year, Killers and Lost Hearts!!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always (and Happy New Year!!)...Bevers x

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