Chapter Thirty-One

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

"So," I squeeze her hand tightly as we walk along the street, and she looks up at me, "I'm thinking things'll get better now you're out of that house?"

"I'm hoping so." She says with a sigh. "I'm really, really grateful that you've let me stay with you, seriously. I don't think I can thank you enough-"

"Just knowing that you're not going to do anything stupid is enough for me. I can't stand to see you hurting."

She flushes pink, and I smile. It's so adorable how, even something as simple as my words make her a flustered wreck. I chuckle softly.

"I..." She flushes even redder. "Stop trying to embarrass me, you dick." I smile even wider.

"How's about no?" I grin, stopping for a moment and grabbing her by the waist. She yelps as I dig my fingers in at her hips and tickle her, and then she almost falls to the ground. It's only my hold on her that keeps her upright, it seems.

"Drew! Bugger off!" She squeaks. I grin, pulling her upright again, and her mouth quickly closes over mine. Our kiss is deep and filled with need, her arms tight around my neck as we kiss. Within seconds she pulls away, grinning, her face a flustered mess of scarlet.

"So," I raise my eyebrows at her, "shall we?" Her hand slips into mine again, and I spy a Starbucks at the end of the dimly-lit street. I tug her towards it, warmth washing over me as we enter the shop, and I ask Alyx what she wants, before sending her off to find a seat upstairs where less people tend to sit. A few minutes pass before I juggle my own espresso and Alyx's caramelatte up the stairs, as well as a ton of cookies because...well, because cookies. I spy her at a seat in the corner, next to the window, and slip in next to her, smiling and giving her the coffee.

"So, what on earth are you meant to do? You know, on a date." She asks quietly, looking up at me expectantly. I shrug.

"Talk about ourselves?" I suggest.

"You already know almost everything about me," she says pointedly, taking a drink of her coffee. The cream gives her a sort of white moustache, and I smile. It's so adorable it's almost painful.

"What?" She cocks an eyebrow at me, and I quickly lean down, licking it off and leaving her a stuttering wreck.

"You had a cream moustache." She flushes a deeper shade of red, and I grin, before grabbing a cookie and settling down against the not-so-comfy leather seat. "So. Tell me about yourself. I know about your past, but I don't really know you."

She sighs.

"What do you want to know?"

I smile, clutching my cookie as I speak. "What you're interested in. Your hobbies. Your ambitions."

"Well. Music is my life. It's saved my life, kept me sane. So I'm interested in music, and playing instruments. I write a lot, always have. Most of the time it's just my feelings slotted into an otherwise fictional setting. My eventually become a successful music journalist and novelist. And to finally improve my life."

I smile again. "Well then. Who's your favourite band?"

"Weezer." She says quickly and without skipping a beat. I grin even wider.

"Same. Rivers is so pretty."

She blinks in surprise. "Harbouring a man-crush, I see."

"S'not as bad as Kier over Johnny Depp. Man, that guy has some bloody issues."

She laughs softly.

"What about you?" She asks. "I know hardly anything about you."

"Well," I play with her hair thoughtfully, "I live for music, which is obvious. And comics. And movies. I'm into an awful lot of things, I guess. I love playing music, and I love listening to it and discovering new music. I have a couple of ambitions. I want to make Fearless Vampire Killers a success. I want to be known as the bassist of a band that actually made it. I want to meet all of Weezer, especially Rivers. I want to headline festivals alongside amazing bands. And," I cup Alyx's face gently, smiling, "I want to make the girl I adore happy. I want her to tell me she loves me."

She flushes red again, before flopping into my arms. I hold her close, smiling slightly.

"Well. I...I want to tell you something else, Drew. I...I love-"

Her phone rings, loud and shrill, and she stops talking quickly, looking apologetic as she pulls out her phone and checks who it is.

"Fuckin' 'ell, Mitch...hello, mouthpiece." She answers her phone quickly, and I hear Mitch screeching down the phone at her.

"Kier and rabbits...dirty Barnesy...!" I only hear slight snippets of the conversation, but it's enough to make me want to face-desk, which of course I do with a painful thud.

"Mitch! Now isn't the bloody time for this!" Alyx hisses. "I'm busy, for christ's sake! I'll phone you later!" And with that, she hangs up. I smirk, but disappointment gnaws away at my insides, and my heart is thundering furiously in my chest.

She was about to say it.

Oh my god. She was going to tell me that she-

"Drew, you alright?"

"What?" I jump put of my shocked reverie, looking towards her quickly, aware that my eyes are wide and staring. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just..."

"Just what?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. You ready to go?"

"Yeah." She stands up, taking my hand as I guide her back down the stairs and out onto the street. "Seriously though, what's up? You look like you've seen a ghost." She rests a hand against my cheek, the other on my shoulder, her eyes filled with concern as she looks up at me.

"I'm fine. I just..." I cup her face gently, meeting her gaze. "You almost said it."

"Said what?" She asks naively, acting as though she doesn't know what she almost said.

"I...never mind." I walk with her, hand in hand, listening to he talking about music journalism with much anticipation in her voice. Just as we reach the road, her hand slips out of mine, and she all-but-skips across the road. I smile, just about to walk out after her, when I hear a horn loudly blaring, the deafening screeching of tyres grating against my eardrums. It takes only a moment to see the van trying to screech to a halt, and the only thought that crosses my mind for that short time is: is it too late to save her?

It proves to be too late, as the last movement I see Alyx make is her mouth opening to release a scream that never comes, and then a deafening thump breaks the silence in the once peaceful night.

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[Author's Message]

Okay. You're all really going to hate me for this. So uhm...yeah...I'll just creep away...

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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