Chapter Thirty-Eight

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

What seems like a couple of years has gone past, but it really only must be a couple of weeks, before I'm finally discharged from hospital. The full time has been spent either sleeping (like I haven't 'slept' enough!), making up for all the food I missed (and then some), practically forcing food down an ever-reluctant Drew's throat (and threatening him with more food when he looked like he would regurgitate every single milligram), and enduring tiring visits from my now over-concerned aunt.

After filling out sheet after sheet of discharge forms, and battling with Drew over who should carry my bags - Drew, at first triumphantly and then claiming he was cheated, traipsed off with my bags regardless of whether I wanted him to or not, which I didn't - I slip into the front seat of the van, beside an exceptionally sleepy Kier, and Drew slides in after me. His arm goes around me almost instantly, and he holds me close as I sigh, listening to the others babble. My aunt couldn't make it to the hospital today to see me off, as a result of her final edits being due today, so thankfully I've managed to escape her constant babbling about my parents (and how they cleared off sharpish as soon as their only binding 'obligation' did a runner).

"...So I think we should get on with doing some more shows, eh?" Kier suggests, turning for a second to look behind us at the others in the back of the van as he stops at a red light. "We haven't played in ages. And I'm getting withdrawal!" He whines.

"You shouldn't have stopped playing music just because I've been in hospital." I mutter. "It's not fair on you guys at all."

"Wheesht!" I hear Laurence exclaim, and he bops the back of my head gently. "We were worried! But now you're well enough again, we'll play shows if it'll keep you quiet. Kier, light's green."

"Though we need a lot of bloody practise." Shane mumbles. "Kier, green!"

Kier jumps slightly in his seat, and then drives forward quickly, sighing. "We're fine as we are. Besides, I have a blardy genius idea." We all look towards him, the others either leaning over the seat or poking their heads through the gap in the chairs to look at him. "We should record a single!"

" Not this idea again...for fuck's sake-"

Kier cuts Drew off abruptly. "Think about it. We have songs. Why not pick one, record a demo, at the very least? And then we can, I don't know, go into town, play some music to a larger crowd, and try selling some shit?"

"Who on earth would want to buy shit?" I hear Drew mutter. "What we want to sell is music, nompkin." For a moment he sounds so deadly serious, and I contemplate face-palming. He can be so blond sometimes.

"Yeah. Whatever." Kier rolls his eyes.

"I actually wrote a song a few days ago..." I hear Laurence say quietly, to no one in particular it seems. The others practically pounce on him - apart from Kier, of course, who's driving; that doesn't stop him from yelling though.


I wince. "Not so loud!" My head is already pounding from a creeping migraine, and Kier's almost feminine screeching isn't exactly helping. Should guys even be able to screech like that? Or humans, for that matter?

"Yeah. It's not that good. The lyrics are in one of my notebooks back at the flat, but-"

"Well," Kier kills the engine, conveniently right on cue, "let's go in and get writing a fucking single."

* * *

Not two hours after stepping in the door, as I surface from the shower, I hear the others playing out random rhythms and chords, as they've been doing practically since we stepped into the flat. The sound of Luke battering on his drum kit in the corner is louder than anything else in the room, and I scrub at my soaking-wet hair with a towel as I sit cross-legged on the floor next to Mitch, my back against Drew's legs. Shane is picking out a random tune and muttering to himself as Laurence tries to fit his lyrics in with Shane's quick guitar riff, and then Laurence stops, dropping the paper he was holding to the floor.

"Fuckin' hell, I've got it." He points towards Shane. "Play that riff again. Kier, fit some rhythm in around that." The two do so with much blundering, cursing and struggle - probably because Shane doesn't seem to have a clue how he played the riff he supposedly just played, and Kier is using the poor guy as a blind guide - but within ten painful minutes they have managed to get a steady riff going, with an intricate and winding melody from Kier's rhythm guitar completing the sound and complimenting it perfectly. I hear the low strumming of Drew's bass guitar fitting in with the music, and listen in wonder as each of them in turn work their way into the song, until eventually Laurence slips his lyrics in amongst the strumming of guitars and battering of drums. I listen intently, almost mesmerised, and then Mitch clears her throat, signalling for everyone to be quiet as she holds her mobile phone to her ear. Everyone goes suddenly silent for a moment, and she jumps to her feet quickly; I recognise her "telephone voice" as she retreats to the kitchen.

"Yes, I was wondering if you might possibly have-" SLAM. The kitchen door cuts off her voice from the rest of us. I hear Luke thumping his foot down on the bass pedal to grasp our attentions, and we all look towards him.

"We've got the chorus?" He asks; Laurence nods. "What're we going to call it?"

Laurence look like he's lost in deep thought for a moment, and then smiles. "'I Am Gonna Leave You'. Sound alright?"

Everyone agrees, and then the kitchen door opens again; Mitch skips back into the room, dropping back onto the floor next to me, grinning from ear to ear.

"What're you looking so pleased with yourself about?" Kier asks his twin suspiciously.

"Well..." Mitch looks at each of the boys in turn. "I had an amazing idea. So I put it to good use. You guys have a gig to practise for."

Kier grins, dumping his guitar on the floor and dragging Mitch into a bear hug.

"You little beauty! You're a bloody star, Mitch, you are!"

Mitch laps up the praise from everyone for a moment, until Laurence breaks the equilibrium and speaks up.

"When is it?"

"Uhm. Funny story, that is. Y'see, they didn't have many free's in a pub an' all...I picked the one that you lit would definitely be free for, and-"

"Mitch." Shane narrows his eyes at her, and she instantly caves.

"It's tomorrow night."

- - - - - - - - - - -

[Author's Message]

So sorry I haven't updated in ages! Well, since Monday. That's about five days. Wow. I only finished this chapter earlier, because I'm such a dedicated panda and I took time from "studying" to finish writing and editing on a ruddy iPod...

Sorry if this chapter is really short. I'm not too happy with how I've written it, because it's all very rawly written, it's very all-over-the-place, not properly edited... *cue grammar attack*

I'll try get a longer next couple of chapters, since I'm trying to find a way to round this off now...yep, ending any time now...

Oh, and I'm really contemplating a sequel now. Maybe about Kier, Laurence or Luke. One of them anyway, definitely...

Now go drum me a tune!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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