Chapter Forty

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

I watch the guys all setting up their instruments, seeing the worry and anxiety on their faces as they struggle with wires, amplifiers, effects pedals... They're all dressed in their stage attire, complete with eyeliner, spiked and fluffed hair, and talcum powder sprinkled over their clothes; all in all, they look bloody mental.

Not long after we all showed up Jack, Will, Ross, Mitch and I decided that the bar is the best place to sit for a good view of the guys, and so that's where we're all sat now, seeing the five boys struggling with their equipment. Most of the pub is filled with the kind of guys you could assume are regulars, lugging around beer bellies, and grumping about their balding heads...or whatever it is a load of boisterous, middle-aged men do in their local drinking hole, anyway. These same middle-aged regulars are giving the band weird, almost judgemental looks, and I'm pretty sure I hear the phrase "bunch of fags" being tossed around; my grip tightens around my glass, my teeth gritting. How bloody close-minded! I see Laurence's grip on his guitar tighten, his eyes narrowing as he obviously hears the same words I just did, but not he nor the others say anything in their defence. The look on Drew's face as he finishes tuning up gives away his obvious fear and anxiety as he silently glances around the stuffy, cramped bar, and my heart instantly goes out to him.

Kier takes the microphone out of its stand and Laurence takes the guitar in his grip, the strap over his shoulder, and that's when I know they're starting.

"We are Fearless Vampire Killers," Kier introduces the band with a nervous smile, "though let's just skip the formalities. We're gonna play some shit, hope you like it. This one's called Don Teriesto." They start up the song in a flourish of guitar riffs, bass thrums and drum battering, both Kier and Shane taking turns to sing parts of the verses, with Laurence and Drew harmonising perfectly. The song, as it finishes, gains a fairly negative response, most of the guys in the room yelling profanities or scorning them. Our group at the bar just cheers loudly, and the guys shake off the bad response, breaking straight away into Fearless Vampire Killers. As soon as the words "the sky is falling down" escape Kier's lips, I hear a guy yelling "fags", and it's all I can do to not throw my glass at him. After playing Faces In The Dirt, Kier and Laurence swap over, and Laurence introduces Palace In Flames nervously, singing loudly as though he is trying to block out the noise coming from the clearly disinterested men in the room. The five of us at the bar, having heard them play the song so many times, sing along, heartily and at the top of our voices, gaining glares and weird looks from the punters in the bar. The band plays I Am Gonna Leave You with an over-dramatic flourish that has me wondering if their suddenly eccentric attitude is their way of trying to anger the men watching their performance further.

To my surprise, the band gains the best response after playing their own cover version of Weezer's 'Buddy Holly', which Drew sings most of, naturally. I remember that Drew insisted they play a version of it, what with it being his favourite song and all. The overall response from their set isn't exactly positive at all, only a few cheers mixed with a load of booing and yelled swear words. I'm pretty sure I hear someone yell "lesbian make-out music", and although it angers me to hear someone say that, Shane and Drew splutter with laughter, Laurence and Luke chuckle, and Kier thanks him. Seriously, thanking someone for an insult?!

I watch as the others quickly leave with their stuff, but some guy is trying to pick a fight with Kier. Over the sounds of laughter, clinking of glasses and loud of conversation, I don't hear what's being said, but I see Laurence glare down at a grey-haired, balding man, snapping a few words that have the man sitting down again. I finish my beer, having already paid, and get up to leave with the others. We get near the door when I hear someone tell Laurence that the band are "utter shit", and Jack, Will and Ross drag Kier and Mitch off, knowing as well as I do how aggressive they can get.

"Well," I hear Laurence tell the guy, "one day we'll maybe not be so shit, eh? We'll be something huge, and then your opinion won't count for shit. Thanks for your opinion, but it's not needed." Laurence slings his guitar bag over his shoulder, grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me out of the bar, his head held high. Still, I can tell that their comments have upset him, and nudge him playfully, smiling reassuringly.

We slip into the back of the van, and I hear Drew apologising to Mitch, which makes me smile. I settle down with my back against the side of the van, seeing the Timids sharing the passenger seat, as everyone who sits in the front next to Kier does. I don't know why.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," Luke sighs in relief, "though it was..."

"Shit?" Drew suggests. "Unfulfilling? Depressing? Aggravating?"

"That's enough adjectives, Woolsifer." Laurence smiles. "We won't be in trouble if we hit an adjective shortage, for sure."

"Things'll get better." I reassure them. "Every band starts off slow, has to work its way to the top. Just promise you won't give it up, eh?"

"'Course we won't!" Laurence says confidently. "We'll make it to the big time one day. And I don't care how long it takes or how hard we need to work, I know we can make this happen. I'm counting on it."

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[Author's Message]

Now a short one. I'm not the best at writing gig scenes, so it's short probably because of that reason alone. And yes, I'm aware that Laurence sounds like a typically preppy high school anime type...something or other. He sounds so cliched, but myeh. Deal with it!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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