Chapter Twenty-Nine

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[Alyx's P.O.V.] 

Everything is set up just as the bell rings in the school to signify the end of the school day, and by this time everyone is jumping with excitement. Kier already texted Jack and Will, two of the guys' friends, to tell them that the "gig" will be outside the school, and to spread the word, and so it's just a waiting game now to see how many people are interested. 

Just as people start coming out of the building, sending curious glances towards the set up in the corner of the car park, I give Drew a quick and reassuring hug, before wishing the guys luck and going with Mitch to sit in the van to watch the set. 

It's only a few short moments before Jack and Will both crop up and settle down near the front of the van with Mitch and I to watch, and people are hanging around curiously as the five boys do last minute checks on their tuning and wiring, as well as their vocals. Within minutes, they decide to start up. 

"Uhm. Well, you're probably all wondering why we're hanging about in a car park with a load of instruments. So I'll cut to the chase," Laurence laughs nervously to himself. "We're in a band called Fearless Vampire Killers, so we wanted to take this opportunity to play some of our stuff and get noticed." 

"And if you don't like us then you can fuck off!" Kier cuts in, gaining a few chuckles from the chattering crowd. 

"What are you, all dressed up for Halloween already or something?" Someone sneers, but Kier just laughs. 

"No, this is actually just how we normally dress! You're right though, we look like a right bunch of faggots." Mitch and I can hear Jack and Will splutter with suppressed laughter at that statement, and snicker between ourselves. 

"Well, play a song then!" Jack and Will bash on the front of the van to coax the boys on, and so Laurence smiles, readying himself. 

"Right then. We're gonna play a song called Palace In Flames, those of you who were at Drew and Shane's birthday party last Saturday'll have heard it." He turns and nods to the others, and they quickly start up the song. Laurence's vocals are shy at first, but as the song goes on he seems to grow more confident, until eventually some people are actual seeming to enjoy the music. Others are sticking around to sneer and judge, and quite a lot of people just snort and decide they've got better things to do than stick around listening to an amateur band in the school car park. 

After they've finished the song, some cheers ring out, and I can see Drew flushing bright red and grinning like a Cheshire cat. I resist the urge to "aww" at him. 

"Uhm, well this next one is called Fearless Vampire Killers, kinda named after ourselves...uh, enjoy I guess. Maybe." They play the song expertly, and I find myself randomly tapping along to it on the van's dashboard, as I tend to do to music I like. As they finish the song and Laurence and Kier switch over between vocals and guitar, they begin to play two other songs - Faces In The Dirt and Don Teriesto, which they played at the Timids' party. By the end of the set, there are maybe four or five people - I'm not even kidding, that's including Jack and Will - hanging around, and they gain a round of applause (or as large an applause as can be gained from a few people). I smile, and then Jack and Will help the guys clear up; I must say, for their first public gig outside a school, I'm surprised a teacher didn't come out to chase us all away, and I'm glad the guys were so confident. If they weren't, who knows what would've happened? How badly it would've gone? 

Within about twenty minutes, everything has been bundled into the back of the van, and Jack and Will have joined us all in the van. 

"So, how was it?" Drew asks me, tugging Mitch out of the front of the van and ignoring her screech of protest as she huffs and climbs into the back of the van. 

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