Chapter Twenty-Five

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

"Drew. I need your help."

I hear the familiar voice, strained as though tears are being held back, and push to my feet quickly, gaining questioning looks from Laurence as he stuffs his face with tofu, and from Kier as he chows down on a plateful of pizza.

"What's up?" Kier asks; I wave him off as I answer.

"What's wrong?" I ask Alyx, hearing the whoosh of pouring rain through the speaker. I glance out the window to see that it bucketing with rain outside, as it often does here in London.

"My parents. They...they want me to...and I ran off...I-"

"You what!" I exclaim. I kick into gear quickly, grabbing my hoodie from the arm of the sofa and tugging it on quickly. I ignore the guys' curious and worried questions as to where I'm going. "Where are you now? I'll come pick you up."

I motion for Kier to give me the keys to the van, which he does reluctantly, and await Alyx's reply. I motion towards the door to say I'm going out, shaking my head furiously when Shane offers to come with me.

"I-I'm not far from my aunt's. I ran off, I didn't know what else to do, they were making me...they-"

"Sh." I close the front door behind me, quickly making my way down the stairs and onto the street, unlocking the van and all but diving into the driver's seat. "I can wait for an explanation until I know you're okay. Stay where you are, I'll come get you. Okay?"

She gives me a quiet "uh-huh" and I keep her on the line, quietly talking her into calm. I can hear her voice is worked up, but I don't know what could possibly have made her so distressed.

Her parents, probably, I wouldn't doubt it for a second.

After a short while, I pass by her aunt's house, and then see a small, hooded figure standing shakily at the side of the road a few hundred metres from the house, hugging herself. I pull over to the side of the road, hanging up the phone as I lean across the passenger seat and open the door. She slips in silently next to me, shaking from the cold, and as soon as she pulls the door closed, she meets my gaze, her eyes filled with anxiety, torture and sadness. I hold her gaze for a moment, before reaching out and resting my hand against her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Stupid question. But she nods anyway. Clearly a self-assuring lie. She doesn't say a word. "Tell me what's up." She looks fearful, and then sighs.

"My parents extended their visit because they wanted to see me and my aunt for a little longer this year. My dad said he had some big news, and my mum decided to be an insensitive bitch about the matter and drop the bombshell. They want me to travel around the world, go to festivals with them."

"But why are you so upset? Couldn't you have just said no?"

"No; I'm their daughter, and if they want to take me around the world against my will it's their decision. I completely lost it, told them exactly how their 'parenting' made me feel, and my mum was being a total bitch. My dad and aunt wouldn't say a thing in my defense. And I couldn't stay in that house any longer, not whilst they're there. I'm so sorry if I'm being a hinderance but-"

"Sh. You could never be a hinderance." I tug her towards me in a close embrace, shushing her as I feel her shoulders shake with silent sobs. My heart is practically breaking, just listening to her crying against my shoulder. We remain like this for a while, before I realise that we've been like this for quite a while and reluctantly pull away, shifting the van into gear and driving Alyx back to the flat in the pounding rain.

She doesn't say anything as we enter the flat, her bag over her shoulder and her hood still over her head. Her face is pale, paler than it usually is, and her eyes are wide and red-ringed. It takes all of my self-control not to take her in my arms and just hold her until she stops feeling this way.

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