Chapter Sixteen

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

"Thought this one would really suit you!" Mitch pulls out a Morticia Addams dress-up costume that must've been used for Hallowe'en a few years back from her wardrobe, and I pull a face.

"Too dark." I mutter, looking out the window thoughtfully and sighing to myself. Mitch continues rifling through her oversized wardrobe for something I might wear to Drew and Shane's fancy dress birthday party tonight, courtesy of Kier's love of Hallowe'en.

"Found something!" She tosses a load of clothes at me, and I quickly catch a waistcoat, pair of black jeans, black shirt and suit jacket, blinking in surprise.

"Go as some kind of steampunk-inspired-"

"You really have nothing, right?"

She smiles nervously, and I grab the Morticia Addams outfit quickly. "Mind if I make some changes?"

"Change away."

I head down towards the bathroom, locking the door behind me and quickly slipping into the silky, flowing black number, feeling suddenly too showy for a simple fancy-dress party. I sigh deeply, deciding this dress is the best I can do for now. I awkwardly head back into Mitch's room, discovering that she's not here, and stand before the tall mirror, smoothing down the dress and trying to make it seem more appealing. I don't accomplish much at all.

"This dress is hideous." I mutter.

"Doesn't look too bad from this angle." I hear the low, almost whispered words, and then feel a hand rest against my hip, another hand resting on my shoulder.

"Drew, what are you doing? I thought you said to keep things-"

"Mitch is rifling around in Kier's wardrobe for any costumes from his Hallowe'en cross-dressing phase, and she won't be out for a while. The other guys are downstairs, being questioned by Kier and Mitch's parents over how they all are. I figure I've got a few minutes."

On Tuesday night, Drew showed up secretly at my house to apologise for being such a twat to me. I ended up telling him my darkest secret of all, that I kind of...well, you know...and we ended up kissing. It's not even like we're official or anything, because Drew wants to keep it quiet from everyone else.

"Well, I'm struggling to look presentable in this dress as it is, without having you hanging off my shoulder and trying to suck my face off, too." I say quietly, but even as I do I can't help but smile as his hands rest on my hips, his lips brushing against my neck gently.

"You know you still look beautiful. Even if the dress is horrid." He says in a low voice, and I flush red.

"Stop trying to embarrass me, Drew. I just..." His arms go around my waist, and I turn my head slightly to the side to meet his wandering lips. Our kiss is quick and sweet, although abruptly ended as I hear Mitch thundering across the hallway. Drew removes his hands from around my waist and squeezes my hips quickly, before stepping back from me and turning around, playing with a small Totoro ornament of Mitch's. As my best friend bounds into the room, carrying with her a pile of what must be costumes, I smile grimly.

"What's this?" I ask quietly, although already knowing the answer, thanks to Drew.

"My brother went through an awkward phase of cross-dressing every year for Hallowe'en, so there's some pretty damn good women's costumes here. Uh, let's see...Corpse Bride..."

I glance up to meet a bemused Drew's gaze, and he grins, before winking at me and dismissing himself from the room. As soon as he leaves Mitch makes sure the door is closed and locked, and then tosses me a muddied, red-blotched bunch of black clothes. I smile down at it.

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