Chapter Forty-Two

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

My head is still pounding from last night's antics, a migraine creeping around to rest at my temples. I guess a send-off party/blow-out piss-up isn't the best idea the night before a hella-long car journey. I can see my aunt's car ready to go, my bags already with her own, in the boot of the car and cluttering the back seat. I grit my teeth, trying not to let tears fall as Mitch drags me into a tight hug, babbling furiously.

"You'll have to visit at every given opportunity. And phone me whenever you want. Text me as much as you can. We can Skype every night, it'll be like it's always been, y'hear?" I nod. "A little distance can't spoil our friendship, I won't let it!" She holds out her hands, and I take a small, knitted figure out of her hands. A laugh escapes my lips as I recognise it as the subject of one of our many mad conversations...a knitted Brendon Urie doll. "Shane taught me how to knit. I've spent since Thursday morning on it."

"That's what you were doing all that time...oh my Lordy, Mitch, thank you, I love it! I'll miss you so much!" I hug her tightly again.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily, and I'm certainly not dying! I'll be at your door before you know it, and when I'm not I'll be using up your credit on phone calls and texts!"

We hug for a long while, tears splashing down my cheeks, and when I pull away again, we both laugh at how pathetic we both must look.

"Don't keep her all to yourself!" Jack whines, shoving Mitch out of the way as he, Will and Ross attack me with bear hugs. "We all chipped in and got you something we know you'll use and love."

Will holds up a box, and the picture on the side tells me it's a professional, awfully fancy-looking camera. Like, professional photographer standard.

"Oh my god, guys, thank you! But you didn't need to-"

"Shut it!" Will grabs me and hugs me tightly. The other two pile in and help form an awfully crushing group hug.

"I'll miss you guys so much!" I squeak, bubbling away childishly. I notice Shane waving frantically, and the three boys smile.

"We'll miss you too!" Ross smiles sadly, and then Shane slides up next to me, slipping something heavy over my head. I look at him questioningly, and then look down to see a pair of brass steampunk goggles dangling around my neck. Shane's beloved goggles.

"Shane, you don't need to...they're yours...I-"

"I'm really going to miss you." He mumbles, voice quiet, as always. He scuffles his feet in the mud, looking awkward and upset for a moment, and I drag him into a tight hug, his head resting against my shoulder. "Your hugs are nice. I'm going to miss them too."

"I'll miss you and your hugs too, Sharrone." I say, and he smiles. "I want you to keep that lot in order, alright? You're the responsible mother now, not me. And certainly not Kier!"

"'Course!" He pulls back. "I'll be worse than Mitch with the phone, mark my words."

"Marked." I grin through my tears, and he motions towards Luke, who waves a pair of drumsticks in my face.

"Uhm. I got you these." The tall, long-brown-haired boy smiles awkwardly. I take the black drumsticks without a word, smiling. "I know you like drumming, and I saw them and thought of you. Uhm..." He opens his arms for a hug, and I dive into his arms, grinning.

"I'll miss you, Pilnahn."

"I'll miss you too, Barnesy." He smiles down at me. I see his eyes brimming with tears. "'Scuse me..." He rubs at his eyes furiously, stalking off, and I smile sadly after him. He never gets emotional. Like, ever. Awwh. I...awwh.

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