Chapter Thirteen

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

I wake up to the sound of my alarm playing out loudly from my phone at 7:30am, the sound of Lostalone bringing me straight out of my troubled sleep. I turn the alarm off, reluctantly crawling out of bed and standing before the mirror. My eyeliner is streaked down my face - I couldn't be bothered washing it off last night, my thoughts were elsewhere - and my hair is sticking up in all directions, making me wince.

"Oh Lordy." I tug at my hair, and then quickly pull a brush through it, making my way down to the bathroom at the bottom of the stairs and washing the make up off my face. I get changed into my black jeans, white school shirt and horrendous tie, tugging on a pair of bright green Docs and applying thick eyeliner, as always. My hair is quickly tamed with a pair of straighteners and almost a full can of hairspray, then spiked and styled with hair wax. I look at myself in the mirror, not very satisfied with how naturally pale my face looks in contrast with my black hair and dark outlined eyes, but shrug in defeat. I glance down at the clock to see that it is 8:30, and grab my bag and phone, slinging my bag over one shoulder as I quickly make my way down the stairs. I text Mitch quickly.

'Is Kier still coming to pick me up? x'

The reply I get is almost instantaneous: 'Yup, on our way now x'.

I ignore my aunt's judging, disapproving look as I enter the kitchen, and she opens her mouth to protest as I raid the cupboards, taking out a packet of Reese's and eating them without a word. She closes her mouth after a second, and then I hear a vehicle pull up outside the house. I glance out the window to see the familiar red van, and bid my dreary-eyed aunt a quick goodbye as I leave the house via the back door. I can already see the side door of the van is open, and Mitch is sitting waiting for me, Laurence sitting at her side. They wave as they see me approaching.

"Alyx!" Mitch pulls me into a tight hug, before I step into the back of the van, pulling the door closed behind me and sitting down next to her and Laurence. Luke is leaning over the back of the front seat, talking with the other three.

"By the way, did something happen between you and Drew yesterday? He's been acting weird since last night, apparently." Mitch says in a hushed whisper. I look between her and Laurence, and then sigh deeply.

I bite my lip, before putting my head in my hands and groaning.

"He kissed me."

Mitch squeaks in what must be a complete fangirl moment, and Laurence smiles and raises his eyebrows. I shush Mitch quickly.

"But why is he acting weird, then? I thought he would react differently..." Laurence mutters. I groan again, speaking into my folded arms.

"I freaked out." I mumble. "And kind of ran away."

I hear their gasps, and squeeze my eyes tighter shut.

"He decided he wanted to walk me home, and then...well-"

"Is that why you texted me that thing about 'maybe'?" Mitch asks quietly; I look up and shake my head at her.

"Drew texted that. Then he asked if he could kiss me. I freaked out, and ran into my house. I feel like a major bitch for doing it, but-"

"Hey, it's not your fault. You're not used to it, is all. I mean, I don't blame you for running off - take one look at the dumb blond and it's enough to make you want to gag."

I shoot her a pointed look - Shane is also what she brands a "dumb blond" - and she flushes a deep shade of red, making Laurence suddenly curious.

"Am I missing something here?" He asks; I feel the van slow to a stop and nod slightly.

"I'll tell you later, in class." We both have double period English together, first and second period, and he nods slowly, knowing he won't have to wait long.

Mitch doesn't say very much as we approach the lockers, but as she opens her own, her face flushes a deeper shade of red.

"You're going to have to tell Bevers about me liking Barrone." She says quietly; I nod.

"If you want something to ever happen between the pair if you, you'll have to tell him yourself." I can tell she knows I mean Shane, not Laurence.

"It's scary though. What if he doesn't like me back? What if..." She sighs deeply, closing her locker after retrieving her maths books. I open my locker slowly, pulling out my English folder and my book, and hear the familiar hoots of laughter that is the five boys joking around again. I look over my shoulder to see them stop in front of us, and Laurence nudges me playfully, smiling sympathetically. Kier sounds like he's trying to bribe Luke for something, but the pair of them take the time to say hi to me, and Shane even gives me a wordless wave, the bobble on his hat bouncing slightly as he cocks his head to the side, smiling. Drew completely ignores me, instead engaging in a conversation with Mitch about maths, the class they're both in next, and how he didn't know there was homework. I snort softly, and then the bell rings; Laurence grabs me quickly, the long knitted tasselled on his panda hat swinging as he drags me up the stairs and towards the English department. As we reach our class, flopping down in the two empty seats at the back of the room, he turns towards me.

"So. What is it with dumb blonds and Mitch?"

I sigh. "Promise you won't say anything?" He nods. "Mitch has this thing for Shane."

"What! She...Barrone?"

"Yeah. She told me on Saturday, at the gig." His eyes are wide and staring, his expression splayed with shock.

"We have to do something about it then, Barnesy." I cock an eyebrow at the nickname he's given me. "Barrone and Wooly's party on Saturday; we need to do something to get them together."

"But what if Shane doesn't like Mitch?" I ask; Laurence smiles.

"I think he does."

The teacher parades into the classroom, speaking about "higher folio pieces" and "imaginative writing", and insists that we work in silence. The rest of the period consists of Laurence and I whispering to each other and scribbling writing down on pieces of paper. The full time, I tell myself that the situation with Drew isn't important, and wipe it from my mind; I think instead of mine and Laurence's plan to hook Shane and Mitch up, amused by the idea of a conspiracy.

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[Author's Message]

The last of my overdue, quick uploads; I'll be returning to daily uploads after this! I had to write something simple in this chapter to make it...well, digestible. Things get just a tad confusing and awkward in about three or four chapters (and no, not porn, dirty fukkas!!)...

Please leave feedback, fukkas (!!!) and I'll upload as normally tomorrow...or tonight if I feel like an early upload again. You know, since I've nothing better to do!

Oh, and apologies, but I've grown overly fond of a certain word, can you guess what it is? [hangs head in shame at use of profanity] BLAME LAURENCE 'TIS ALL HIS FAULT. Ahem.

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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