Chapter Thirty-Five

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

"Don't cry, Drew."

My head snaps up in an instant at those words, and the first thing I see is a pair of clouded, misty turquoise eyes, staring at me in the clinical room.

"Alyx, you're alive!" I gasp, diving forward and gently scooping her up in my arms. My eyes sting with tears, my cheeks soaked again as I hold her close, relief flooding through me. "God, I was so scared! I-"

"Ow." She whimpers; I jump back almost instantly, sinking back into my seat.

"Sorry, I...nurse!" I yell, grinning through my tears. Alyx looks concerned as she studies me, and I jump to my feet quickly, rushing towards the door. "Guys, she's awake! She's-" I'm cut off as the beeping from her monitor speeds up considerably, and spin around on my heel, suddenly horrified as I see Alyx's back arched slightly, the beeping only growing quicker and quicker. Fear tightens in my gut, and I hear people rushing into the room; a few doctors and nurses crowd around the bed, quickly checking her levels and her condition, one of them checking her chart and another taking out a small light and shining it into her eyes, alerting me that her eyes are rolled right back into her head, only the whites of her eyes visible. She's taking a fit...why...what's wrong with her? Did I cause this...?

I feel hands clutching my arms, pulling me out of the way as Alyx is rushed out on a cart. I hear Shane protesting as I try to push him off to follow, but he holds me back, and I lose track of where they're taking her as fear pounds in my heart. My breathing is erratic and my head is spinning, and there is only one thought in my head now.

She's going to die. And it's all my fault.

"Drew! Calm yourself, she's going to be alright! God's sake!"

"No...she's not..."

She's going to die.

She's going to die.

She's going to die.

Shane guides me back into the waiting room, and I drop into an empty seat, feeling numb. Kier looks confused, and Laurence is trying to get an explanation from a nurse. Mitch is sitting with her eyes closed, trying not to let anything get to her, and I can see Luke sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring at the cold, grey surface.

"Drew," Shane whispers, sitting next to me, it'll be alright. She'll pull through."

"No." I whisper. "She won't. And it's all my fault."

He pulls me into a tight hug, and I hide my face in his shoulder, closing my eyes tightly as tears run down my face. My shoulders are heaving from the sobs that escape my lips, and it seems like we remain like this for hours, before unconsciousness captures me and drags me into it's depths.

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[Author's Message]

A really short one, I know. Written in about twenty minutes in my chemistry class. AND I'M SORRY I DID THIS TO ALYX BUT I COULDN'T HELP IT AND BESIDES DREW IS CRYING OMIGOSH I'M SO SORRY!!

I do suspect that right now you may be doing what some have admitted to doing whilst reading my former chapters- Up the back there, what was that? Masturbating? Ah, 'fraid not. You'd be weird to masturbate to this. Now, Timid slash fiction, that would be worthy of masturbating to. No, not masturbating, I mean crying. Sobbing. Bubbling. What ever verb takes your fancy. Take your pick, the first one's free. I'll bounce off now and do some panda-esque things, and write some new chapters to make things all tickety-fuckity-boo - if I can, that is.

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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