Chapter Fifteen

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

Music is playing quietly from my iPod docking station's speakers at either side of me on the desk, the scribbling of my pen against paper breaking the otherwise peaceful quiet as I frantically work on another chapter for the novel I've been working on for almost a year. My mind is in turmoil thinking about both ideas for a new character, and why Drew ignoring is me. My thoughts are harshly interrupted as I hear the clink against my window, and I frown deeply, looking up from my notebook and looking towards the window. A few moments pass with me staring through narrowed eyes at the partially-open window before I hear the soft clink again, and I push up to my feet in an instant, crossing the room and looking out my window through suspicious eyes. On the shadowed front garden, I can see a tall, sandy-brown-haired figure standing with a handful of what must be stones in his hands. I roll my eyes, looking up at the clock. 11:47pm. I sigh, opening the window, and stick my head out.

"Drew." I say, loud enough for him to hear and yet quiet enough so that my aunt won't be alarmed that some teenager is out in the garden throwing stones at my bedroom window.

And a guy, at that. She'd have a bloody heart attack, if only she knew. "What do you want?"

"I want to speak to you. I think we really need to talk."

I glance behind me, seeing that the door is closed and locked, and pull myself up onto the windowsill, climbing out onto the flat part of the roof just above the kitchen. I sit down on the tiles, motioning for him to come over, and he drops the stones to the ground, crossing the garden and quickly scaling the side of the wall where a dying tree losing its few leaves is hanging its branches in shame. He is on the roof with me in a second, it seems, settling down beside me and smiling apologetically.

"Sorry if I disturbed you. I know it's late, but I had to speak to you."

I smile slightly, shaking my head. "No, it's alright. I was only writing. Nothing productive."

"Good." There's an awkward pause between us for a second, and then he sighs, turning completely to face me. "Listen, I...I've not completely...apologised for the way I've been treating you recently. I'm really sorry if I've upset you. And besides, I...I didn't mean to upset you by kissing you-"

"Drew." I shush him quietly, and he goes silent, just looking at me blankly, his brown eyes wide and his lips slightly parted as though a sentence hangs loose from them. I rest a hand against his unshaven cheek, looking him straight in the eyes and smiling slightly, cheeks flushed red for some weird and unspoken reason. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's not your fault anyway, it's mine; I'm not used to people...well, you know, wanting to kiss me, or liking me in that way. I freaked out a little, sure, when you kissed me, but that's what I do. And when I don't know how to cope with something, or what to do in a certain situation, I run. That's why I ran off. In reality, I should be apologising to you. So, I'm sorry."

He smiles slightly, pressing a hand against mine as it rests against his cheeks.

"It's still my fault; I should've asked you if you were comfortable with it."

I shake my head. "Drew-"

"You know, what's funny is I still can't figure you out. So I need to know. What is it you're hiding?"

I flush a deep shade of red, pulling my knees up against my chest, resisting the urge to tug my hood over my head to hide my face, closing my eyes tightly.

"Alyx. I know it's something that really upsets you. I promise, if you're scared I'll judge you, I won't, and if you're scared I'll tell everyone else, I won't tell a soul."

He rests a hand against my shoulder, and my hands tighten around my wrists as I hug my knees to my chest even tighter, closing my eyes even tighter than before.

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