Chapter Seven

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

I open my eyes slowly, looking around me and seeing that I'm in Mitch's white-and-purple-painted bedroom. It is still dark outside, which tells me it must still be the middle of the night, and when I sit up from my nest of quilts on the floor, glancing at the clock on the bedside table, I see that it is only 2am. I groan, lying back down and closing my eyes, willing myself back into sleep.

But something is keeping me awake; I don't know if it's my usual insomnia, the fact that I'm a light sleeper, or the fact that I can hear rock music playing from across the hall, the sound of laughing and clinking of glasses rather loud in the otherwise silent house. I sit up again with a groan, pushing to my feet and pulling on my Bullet for my Valentine hoodie that I found in my bag late last night. I swear, those boys are lucky Mitch's parents are out of town this weekend, or their arses would probably be getting whipped for making so much noise.

I slip quietly out of the room, pulling my hood up as I creep across the hall, hearing the music coming from the room that Mitch told me last night is Kier's for whenever he decides to stay at home. I pad across the wooden flooring silently, pushing open the door and poking my head inside.

I can see the five boys sitting around the room, with what must be dozens of bottles of beer placed upon the wooden floor. Luke is snoring loudly in the corner, but the rest of them are wide awake as ever, and look up to see me slide into the room groggily.

"It's 2am." I tell them simply. They all nod, as if they already know. "And it's kind of noisy in here. I'm trying to sleep just across the hall."

Kier smiles slightly. I see that he is sitting upon a large double bed, cradling a can of Monster in his hands. "Sorry, love. Didn't realise we woke you. Drew, can you turn it down a little, please?"

Drew snorts. "Couldn't she just turn off her hearing? Put a pillow over her head? Ignore us?"

I scowl down at the boy that seemed so simple and kind barely half a week ago. He's changed drastically, and I'm not sure if this is the real Drew or just an act.

"Don't be such a dick." Laurence says, taking a drink of beer and placing the bottle on the floor. "Turn it down."

Drew does so, reluctantly and without a word escaping his lips.

"Seeing as you're up, though," Kier says, "fancy joining us for a few? Promise we won't bite much."

I smile slightly. "Uhm...okay, I guess. Not like I'll get back to sleep for a while, anyway." I slip further into the room and sit down on the floor not far from Drew, who inches ever further into the wall. Kier catches my attention with a whistle as he tosses me a beer, and I catch it quickly in both hands, opening it and taking a quick sip.

"So." Laurence says simply. "About you and Drew-"

"Don't bring this up again." I hear Drew mutter. "We've heard it a million times, and I've already told you, I'm not interested in talking about it."

"Alright, alright, don't get your boxers in a knot, dear." Laurence puts his hands up in defence. "I was only going to ask why you two aren't speaking."

I shrug slightly. "Dunno." I tell him simply. I look towards Drew. "Why aren't you speaking to me, Drew?"

He doesn't answer me. My eyes narrow, and I take another drink of my beer. Tastes a lot better than that stuff in the Barfly, that's for sure.

"Stuff him, then." Kier says, taking a drink from his own can. "How's about we let Alyx here in on a little secret? Seeing as Drew won't speak to protest about it."

Drew snorts stubbornly.

"Alyx, you know the only reason he's not speaking to you is because he thinks you have a thing for Laurence. The fact that Bevers here kissed you earlier doesn't exactly help ease his conscience. Besides-"

"That's enough." Drew warns, sitting up and staring straight at Kier, looking suddenly angered. "Not another word."

"Drew has a serious thing for you, Alyx, but is too afraid to admit it, to himself as well as anyone else."

Drew stands up quickly, scowling over at Kier.

"I said not another word!" He hisses, before quickly leaving the room. Kier shoots me an apologetic look, and Shane motions for me to go after him. I stand up, quickly moving after him, and step out into the hallway. I can see that the doors at the end of the hallway that lead to the balcony are open, and I step out into the cool night air, looking around me. There's no one out here, and I frown, before hearing someone above me clear their throat.

I turn around and look up, seeing that Drew is sitting on the roof, looking straight down at me through narrowed eyes.

"Hi." I say simply. He says nothing, and I sigh, using the side of the balcony's barrier to climb up, pulling myself onto the roof beside him. The tiled surface is rather wet, and I gasp, feeling my legs slip out from underneath me. I feel an arm quickly wind around my waist, and I look up to see Drew has grabbed me, his eyes still narrowed, his mouth still set in a grim, straight line.

"Th-thanks." I gasp, and he pulls me up to sit next to him, sighing deeply.

"Sorry." He says quietly, taking a drink of his beer. "That was kind of uncalled for. I shouldn't have run out like that-"

"It's not your fault." I tell him. "Kier was a little out of order - what he said should have come from your mouth, not his-"

He laughs softly. Doesn't deny any part of what Kier said.

I take a sip out of my own bottle.

"I mean..." I sigh. "I'm really sorry. It's my fault. That...that kiss..."

"So you like Laurence, then." He raises his eyebrows slightly, and I gape at him.

"What? No! No, I..." I rest my forehead against my arms, hugging my knees to my chest. "That kiss at the gig, didn't mean anything."

"Why would you need to tell me that? You should be telling Laurence that-"

"I'm telling you because you seem upset. You were really pissed off about it. Shane told me how you felt about it, and I guess I felt kind of bad about it all."

"If it didn't mean anything, then why did you kiss him?" His eyes are glaring accusingly at me, and I resist the urge to scowl back.

"He kissed me. He kept saying you would be jealous, but I don't want you to be jealous, and he said it would work, but-"

"So you're just toying with me, then?"

Now that hurt. I quickly push forward, slipping off of the roof and landing on my feet on the balcony, and look up at him.

"No. Laurence at least understands about how the way you're treating me has made me feel. He wanted to fix that. I can finally see now that I don't want to feel like this at all."

He obviously doesn't get what I mean, or he just doesn't care, because he continues sitting on the roof, sipping his beer and looking down at me like I'm a bit of dirt on his shoe. I quickly storm back into the house, straight back into the bedroom where Mitch is still sleeping, and try to deny any feeling I ever thought I felt towards him as I will myself to sleep.

It's only when I feel that my pillow is growing damp that I realise I'm crying, but by then I'm drifting into a troubled unconsciousness.

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[Author's Message]

Here's chapter seven! I've spent all night watching Alex Day and Tanner Patrick videos with Caz, so I only just remembered that, since it's after 12, it's time I do an all-hours-in-the-morning upload of my fanfiction! Be sure to leave some feedback to let me know what you think of this chapter! I'll be sure to upload tomorrow too, because even though it's two days (or something) until Christmas, life is still uneventful!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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