Chapter Thirty

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

It's otherwise silent as I zip closed my suitcase, glancing towards Drew to see him pulling a couple of smaller bags up into his hold. I struggle with my own bag, and then Drew pulls out his phone, waving it slightly to catch my attention.

"I think I should phone Kier. There's too much here to carry back to the flat."

I nod, and for a moment the silence is slightly awkward before he quickly dials Kier's number and holds the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Kier, it's me mate. Yeah, there's too much to carry back by ourselves, fancy coming down and giving us a lift back? Cheers. See you soon." He hangs up, meeting my gaze again, and smiles reassuringly at me.

"Okay?" I nod anxiously, and then we all-but-drag all of my bags downstairs. I was hardly aware I own so much until now, even when my aunt and I have moved city I've never appeared to own so much.

At the bottom of the stairs, I feel my aunt quickly pull me into a tight embrace, and hug her back unsurely. She's never been quite so emotional, and so I'm not used to her acting like this at all.

"Phone me as soon as you're all settled in." Jeez, you'd think I'm moving across the country, never mind ten minutes away.

Right enough, who knows when I'll next see her, what with her constant work placements all over the country?

I notice that my parents don't come through to say goodbye, and resist the urge to snort. Knew that would happen, especially whilst that evil, controlling bi-

I hear a horn beep outside, loud enough to pull me out of my train if thought, and Drew squeezes my hand gently, my aunt looking teary eyed as she smiles at me.

"I'll see you around." She bubbles, and I smile back at her sadly. I feel bad leaving her alone her with them, but it has to be done. I nod, and Drew and I leave the house, my mind clear for the first time in ages as I step outside into the cold late afternoon air with my suitcase wheeling along behind me, and Drew's hand in mine tightly. Hopefully things are going to get better from here.

* * *

I sit down on the bed nearest the window in the Timids' room, sighing as I glance around the dark room. My stuff has all been dumped in the corner of the room, after Drew and I proclaiming that we "couldn't be bothered unpacking".

"Alyx." Drew plays with a chunk of my thick black hair, smiling. I smile back at him, and he cups my face gently.

"Yes, Wooly?" The mischievous glint in his eyes alerts me that he must be up to something, and I try not to narrow my eyes as I look at him, gaze full of suspicion.

"You know, everyone else is away out. Leading busy lives. Doing their own thing. And we're just sat here." He edges closer. "In an empty house." His forehead touches mine. "Alone."

I gulp. "Y-You are kidding me, right?" I try to control the way my voice shakes, and my face flushes red as he smiles sweetly.

"'Fraid not, love." His lips meet mine for a brief moment, our kiss quick yet leaving me with a taste for more. "So," he pulls away, "fancy...well, you know...?"

My face burns scarlet, even my ears burning, and I bite my lip for a second and try not to let my nerves make me practically bolt from the room.

"Uhm. I guess...?"

He smiles, pulling me close again and kissing me, his lips gently yet hungry against my own. His hands grasp my hips as I slip onto his lap, my hands shaking as I reach up and begin to unbutton his shirt. Just as I pop the first button, I hear the door bang open, and gasp in fright as I jump and pull away from Drew's kisses.

"Bloody hell, I knew I couldn't trust you two alone for more than five minutes. Look at you, prepared to go at it like bloody rabbits."

"We weren't-" I start, but I hear Laurence's exclamation as he sticks his head around the doorframe to look at us both.

"It's a good thing we showed up when we did, eh Kee? I knew the kids would be at it sometime soon."

"Yeah. Good thing we're responsible parents, Laur, who knows what could have happened if we weren't."

I blink in surprise. Okay, so I know Kier regarded himself as the mother of the group, and Laurence as the father...but responsible parents? Really?


"You really should have knocked." Drew mutters. "It's rude to barge in."

"Yeah." I look pointedly between the pair. "You don't see us barging in on you two, Keveridge."

The pair gape at me, stuttering and spluttering.

"We're not...we aren't...I mean, there's nothing...god, seriously Barnesy, what the fuck?"

"Fooking genius." I hear Drew mutter, and smile slightly. "Keveridge. Seems like you're onto something there."

"Keveridge" babble between themselves, and then begin squabbling as they leave us alone, finally.

"Well. There goes our evening."

I chuckle at the disappointment in his voice. "Awwh. Well we'll just need something else to do then." And then it hits me. "I've just realised. Ever since we started dating, we haven't even been on a proper date."

"Wow." He blinks in surprise. "You're right."

"Well, do you want to go out then? Just for uhm...shits and giggles?"

He smiles. "Sure. Where do you want to go?"

I think for a second. "Well, I like coffee."

"A coffee shop? Okay, I guess." He quickly buttons up his shirt again, reminding me that it's been sitting half unfastened for a while now. I curse myself for not noticing before now.

"Uhm. Should I get changed, or-"

"You look fine just as you are." He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my nose, and I flush pink. For a brief moment I wonder if I'll ever stop blushing every time he does something. Because right now it's almost ridiculous.

"Oh. Okay." I take his hands in mine and push up to my feet. "Come on then."

He holds my hand as we quickly make our way out of the room, and I stick my head around the doorframe in the front room to see that Keveridge are still arguing between themselves about my playful accusation.

"We're going out." I say loudly, but they take no notice. Drew snorts.

"We seem to have found something that officially pisses them off." Drew mutters, and I smile as he drags me out of the flat without a second thought.

- - - - - - - - - - -

[Author's Message]

I decided to do another upload! Just because I haven't uploaded very frequently recently - I blame excitement and gigs. It's all their fault! And I blame FVK for being so perfect...and my Killerettes in arms for accusing me of things to do with Shane lolz ;)

So, this is sort of a filler chapter. I'm establishing an equilibrium, if you like. To be fukka proper about it. So here's a heads up: some serious shit is about to go down! And by serious, I mean all you fanboys/fangirls (not giving anything away lolz) will kill me when eventually I get the next part up! Sorry for this chapter being so short btw, I wrote it on the way to school ^_^

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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