Chapter Twenty-Two

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

My morning goes by in a sluggish strop. My aunt is, as she says, "tits-deeps in paperwork", my dad keeps phoning her to check on me, and I'm dreading the drive to school. My hair isn't straightened, and my face lacks the make up it usually has all over it. As the red van pulls up outside, I'm only just pulling my hoodie on, scraping my hair back into a bobble. I grab my bag as I slip out of the door, bidding my aunt a haste goodbye as I close the back door behind me. I move quickly up the path, and as I slip into the back of the van and pull the door shut I feel a pair of arms wrap tightly around me, someone holding me in a tight embrace. As they pull away I see that it's Mitch, and her face is etched with worry.

"You alright? You wouldn't answer my calls last night." She asks; I nod, feigning a smile.

"I'm fine." I say simply. In the dark I can see Laurence sitting nearer the front of the van, scribbling furiously in a notebook. He glances up for a second and shoots me a sad yet apologetic look, and I grin back. My actions may be over-exaggerated but they've sure as hell fooled Mitch and Laurence.

"So, I was thinking of dyeing my hair before the end of the month, you know, for Hallowe'en and all."

I hear a loud commotion at the front of the van, and then Shane is leaning over the front seat to speak to us.

"Speaking of Hallowe'en, there's a free gig on down at the Bandstand then, if you two fancy coming along."

"Depends who's playing." I say. "Don't want to miss out on our trick-or-treating, do we?" I nudge Mitch, and we both grin.

"Good thing it's us playing then, right?" Shane says. "Fancy coming?"

"We could use the groupies!" Luke calls from the front of the van. I try to hold back a laugh, Mitch and I spluttering in unison.

"You'll have a hard time getting any, what with that beard you're working on. Seriously, what is up with your face?" Mitch grins.

"Call it a side-project." He replies.

"So soon in our career? You'll ruin us, Pilnahn!" I hear Drew exclaim. My stomach does flip-flops at the mere sound.

I dismiss it quickly - this isn't going to get to me. No way.

"Ah, shut it you, you're the one that started it! 'Bet you won't grow a beard for Movember whilst you're still in school,' you little bugger!"

"Hobbit, to you." Drew laughs. The sound has me wanting to punch the van's side door until my knuckles bleed.

"Well sure we'll come! Wouldn't want to have you guys playing a vacated gig, right?" I stick my tongue out at Shane, who presses a hand against his chest and gasps.

A few more minutes pass of Kier cursing at "drivers not using their indicators" and "red-light-green-light fuckadoos", before he parks in the car park outside the school, and we all pile out.

"So, I was thinking red - or is that too loud?"

"Blue." I tell her simply. She grins.

"Mum and dad wouldn't mind. Kier would bloody kill me!"

I laugh, slinging my bag over my shoulder. We walk into school, heading to our lockers, and my phone beeps. I pull it out of my pocket quickly, seeing I have a text from Shane.


I narrow my eyes. "Yes, you do..." I show Mitch the text, and she laughs softly. "The guy's clearly mad."

"He needs some kind of help," Mitch points out, "not that hard to figure out from the text-"

"No shit, Sherlock!" We laugh, and then hear the guys approaching.

"...And I say, fuck it! I bloody love the band, right, and Hayley Williams...I'd totally go to town with her, huh?" I hear Kier laugh; I look up at him like he's mad as he looks down at me.

"'Da fuck." I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Don't blame me. Just because you're not susceptible to her charms." Kier huffs. I roll my eyes at him.

"Idiot." I turn quickly and open my locker, stuffing my unneeded books in and trying not to slam it shut in frustration.

The bell goes and I gulp. Chemistry. With Drew. A double period of this malarkey. At least I have Mitch with me though, right?

Who am I kidding, she'll only make this worse. Eugh.

So, not five minutes later we are sitting in chemistry. Mitch is sat behind me, hitting out with "your mama" jokes as an attempt at protesting against the in-class silence. I'm using the unusual quiet in the class as an excuse to be left alone and "do my work". I can feel Drew's eyes practically burning into the back of my skull, but resist the urge to turn around and look directly at him. Who knows how I'd react? Would I break down in class? Completely snap? Carry on as normal?

"Your mama's so fat that her stomach gets home fifteen minutes before she does." Mitch says, voice so matter-if-fact. The teacher shoots her another look, but she just carries on.

"Your mama's so fat that when she was growing up she didn't play with dolls - she played with midgets." I can't help but chortle at that one, my forehead thwacking against the desk.

"Shut up Mitch!" I hiss through tightly-gritted teeth, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Yes Mitch. Be quiet." The teacher mutters, although she obviously doesn't are whether Mitch is quiet or not.

"Your mama's so fat that she uses a mattress for a tampon."

Now I really do burst out laughing. It only takes a matter of seconds for everyone else to start hitting out with them, and I turn to face a Mitch, who is clearly satisfied with her handiwork as the teacher admits defeat.

Mitch smirks, leaning over her desk.

"Now that the class is distracted, you're going to tell me exactly what happened between you and Wooly."

I gulp. "After class?"

She only grins.

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[Author's Message]

The second part of my double-upload. What do you think? Sorry if this is kind of rubbish, like the last chapter, it's more of a filler - showing how Alyx is pretending it doesn't affect her, like Drew is doing, and all.

Please leave feedback, and if you fancy being helpful you could drop me a vote too?

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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