Chapter Twelve

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

I'm used to disappointment, and I'm used to letting people down. When I was a little kid, I used to be bullied and tormented, and I always let my parents down when they told me to fight back - I never did. Every time I've had a good relationship, it always ends in disappointment and my self-loathing - I usually do something to let down the person I'm supposed to love. I've been a complete disappointment all my life, and so this situation with Alyx is no different.

I see the front door slam shut quickly, and I stare at the patterned wooden surface for a moment before sighing deeply, shaking my head slowly as I walk slowly away.

You utter idiot, Drew...

I keep walking silently down the street, pulling a hand through my thick hair, and then pull my keys out from my pocket, reaching the front door of the flat and unlocking it quickly. I take a deep breath, closing the door behind me, and as soon as the door is closed I'm suddenly angered. My fist pounds against the door, and my jaw clenches. I rest my forehead against the cool wood, and then sigh, stepping back from the door and turning quickly, making my way through to the kitchen and grabbing myself a beer. No use in dwelling over this. Time to return to normal life, forget about my problems, and keep smiling.

I hear the van pull up outside, and grab my bass guitar from the corner of the room, pulling it onto my lap as I sit down on the sofa. The others walk into the flat to see me strumming out random notes and noting down chords, and Kier is the first one to flop down next to me, dumping the van keys on the table and tugging the ring-pull on a can of his beloved Monster.

"Writing chords already?" He smiles, and Laurence flops down on my other side, pulling the sheet scrawled with notes and chords across the table towards him.

"Hey, this seems pretty good. Fancy giving it a play?"

I do so without a word, quickly strumming out the chords without any problem or hesitation. After I've finished the short piece, Kier whistles, Laurence grins, and Shane claps quietly. Luke laughs softly.

"And here was me thinking it would take a while to even think of anything for a song. Not the best, but it's decent."

"I'd love to hear you write a song, Pilnahn." I raise my eyebrows pointedly at him, and he smiles.

"You'd just hear a loud of fart noises, then, nothing decent."

I cock an eyebrow at him, and Laurence picks up the sheet music silently, reading over it.

"We should try making this into a song. You know, just to see what it turns out like." Everyone nods in agreement.

"You, though," Shane says quietly, addressing Laurence, "can write the lyrics. You are a writer, after all."

"Not a very good one." Laurence replies.

Kier laughs. "Bevers, you're bloody brilliant! That book you've been writing, about that vampire place?"

"Grandomina." Laurence says.

"Yeah, that. How's about trying to write a song about that? You know, you write the lyrics, Barrone and I write guitar chords, we can use Wooly's bass chords, and Pilnahn can write the drum music. What d'you say?"

Each of us smiles at the idea. "Yeah, that'd be great. Better get started, then, huh."

I use my perfecting the bass chords as an excuse to forget about the ordeal with Alyx earlier on, and it seems I'm fooling them with my usual facade, until Shane looks up at me with narrowed eyes, as if telling me, you're fooling no one.

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[Author's Message]

A short one, and doesn't contain the word "fukka" can't blame me though, it's 5:30am here and I'm an insomniac. A major one.

Well, just the guys creating their first song in this chapter, I thought I'd slip it in as a break in the melodrama!

I'll upload chapter 13 in a little while; I'm not getting to sleep anytime soon! Leave feedback...fukkas! (I'm so sorry it had to be done please don't hurt me! Blame Bigger Bevers!!)

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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