Chapter Six

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

My nod of acknowledgement is quick as I see Laurence smile over at me, and a slight smile appears on my face, before I see him look down at Alyx, resting his hand on the back of her neck and leaning down to kiss her. I don't see her pull away, and a horrible, stabbing feeling rips at my chest. I grit my teeth, shaking my head slowly, and turn quickly, ignoring the sudden burning hatred in my chest as I push past the rest of the crowd and out the main doors.

This isn't jealousy. This is just...this is just hurt. Your best friend didn't tell you he has feelings for the new girl, and you're only upset because you thought your friendship was stronger than that. It's not like you care what the girl and your best friend do in their spare time, right?

But to do so in front of me, when he knows I'm still curious about her...when he knows I'm still trying to work her out...

I can feel a sudden anger pulsate through me, and I scowl down at the ground, pulling a shaking hand through my sandy-brown hair. I walk slightly down the street, approaching the van, and then remember that Kier has the keys.


I jump up onto the hood of the van, resting my back against the windshield and lying back, digging in my pocket for my phone. I turn on the screen, seeing that I have four messages: one from Luke, one from Kier, one from Shane and one from Mitch. I read through them quickly, aimlessly.

Kier: 'Where'd you go? You alright?'

Luke: 'Wooly, where are you??'

Shane: 'Timid! Please tell me where you went, you seemed upset when you ran off'.

Mitch: 'Hope your alright dear I'm so sorry, my fault, please come back in and I'll explain everything, it's not what it looks like xx'

I sigh, before replying quickly to only Mitch's message:

'I'm fine. Not your fault. I'm out by the van. No need to explain, I'm not exactly stupid.'

I hold onto my phone as I lie back again, closing my eyes for a moment, waiting for the concert to finish, waiting for people to start coming out and wondering why a depressing twat is lying atop the front of a van.

I suppose only another five minutes pass before I hear the van unlock, and someone pats my cheek gently; I open my eyes to see Shane leaning against the front of the van, smiling slightly.

"You didn't reply to my text, so I was a little worried." I sit up, slipping off the front of the van and landing on my feet in the pavement. I look towards the entrance to the Barfly to see Alyx leaving the building with Kier and Mitch, with Laurence and Luke trailing along behind. I grit my teeth, and Shane shoves me into the front of the van, slipping in beside me and pulling the door closed. I rest my head against the back of the seat, closing my eyes tightly.

"So you do like her." Shane says quietly. "There's no harm in it, you know. Besides, what happened back there?"

I open my eyes, seeing that the rest of the group have come closer to the van. I speak quickly. "I think I've figured her out, Barrone. She's a cheap slut."

And then the van doors open, and everyone piles in. Kier shoots me a reassuring smile as he flops into the driver's seat, quickly starting the engine.

A horrible feeling of pain and self-loathing floods through me, and I close my eyes even tighter. No matter how hard I try to forget, I keep seeing that kiss play out in my head, over and over again. I can understand now that Laurence was trying to get my attention by looking over at me, and my hands ball up into fists on my lap. I try to control the unusual anger that is flooding through my system - usually it takes a lot to make me angry.

Then again, this is a pretty big deal.

As Kier pulls up outside his and Mitch's parents' house, where his parents have offered for us all to stay tonight, we all bundle out of the van, and I'm the first one to enter the house, feeling awfully nauseated all of a sudden as I see Laurence and Alyx joking between themselves. I rush straight to the bathroom - it must seem like I had one too many beers, but Shane's expression as I rush straight up the stairs tells me he knows so much better.

As I dryly retch into the toilet, I can hear footsteps coming up the stairs, and the door creaks open; I hear a soft sigh, and then someone's hand rests against my shoulder; it takes me a moment to realise it's Luke, and by then I rest my forehead on my arms and groan.

"Too much at the gig, mate?"

I snort. "Yeah, something like that."

What I don't want to tell anyone is that Alyx is not only impossible to figure out, but is affecting me in ways no other person has ever affected me before. The way she was when I first met that was someone I would want to be good friends with. But now? I don't know whether I would rather kiss her or send her harshly on her way.

I groan again, and Luke pats my back gently. He seems to think I'm sick from too much alcohol consumption.

I know fine well that I'm only sick because I know, deep down, that this is jealousy I'm feeling, and heavy jealousy at that. And dammit if it isn't making me feel sick to my stomach. At that thought, I throw up into the toilet again.

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[Author's Message]

Well, I believe I'm finally getting into the swing of things with this chapter. I didn't think this fanfiction would become romance when I first started writing it, but we all know that, if my writing doesn't include the paranormal, it contains romance!

Please leave feedback on this chapter, tell me what you think, and I'll be sure to upload tomorrow again; it's 12:25am, and as soon as it hit 12am, after yelling about "no Alpacalypse!!!", I couldn't wait to update - so, I'll upload soon for sure!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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