Chapter Thirty-Six

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

Everything is a blur as I open my eyes, feeling someone shaking me violently as I groan and open my eyes. Everything feels alright for a moment, until I glance around me through narrowed eyes and notice that I'm in a white-walled, large room lined with chairs, otherwise it is empty. This isn't the flat.

And then it hits me, harder than before and leaving me a frozen wreck as Shane shakes me back into reality.

"Drew. Drew, snap out of it, come on! It's Alyx, hurry up!" He drags me to my feet, and my heart skips a beat at the sound of her name being said in such an urgent tone of voice.

It's Alyx. She's dead now. That's why he sounds so urgent. He just wants to say "I told you so", that's all.

"Alyx is stable?!" I hear Mitch yelp from somewhere distant. Those three words manage to get me to blink, take a deep breath, and look up at Shane, who now looks relieved that I'm showing signs of being mentally present.

"She's okay?" I whisper, voice filled with reluctant hope. I don't want to think she's alright and then hear something horrible has happened. Something more horrible than what's happened already.

"Yes. She's stable. She's going to be okay."

"Is she awake?"

"Not yet, but the doctor believes she will be soon."

My head whips around to look towards where she was before, through that set of ominous double doors.

"No. Not there. She's in a different room now. Closer to where they took her after know."

"Can I...can I see her?"

"Sure. Her aunt is in there just now, with Laurence and Kier."

I nod, and then he grabs me by the wrist, tugging me off out of the waiting room and down a corridor to the left of the double doors. Just down this corridor, the sound of a loud and familiar voice can be heard. I smile slightly as I recognise Kier's loud laugh, and Mitch skips ahead, bursting into the only room with its door open.

"...'Course I'm bloody right! I'm Kier bloody Kemp, I'm always bloody right!"

I step into the room behind Shane, looking towards my red-haired friend with an amused expression spattered over my face.

"I'm unconvinced." I say quietly, before crossing the room and crouching beside the bed. "She's doing alright?"

"Yes, she's fine." I hear a nurse say as she checks Alyx's chart. "I do believe she may recover soon. We had to take a quick brain scan, and discovered no upset with her brain, and so hopefully she should regain consciousness soon. At least, we hope she will." The nurse dismisses herself without a word.

I nod, and look towards Kier, who is still babbling away to Alyx, as he has done since he's been able to. I take Alyx's hand in mine gently, squeezing it softly, and then my stomach growls. I wince, and feel Shane's hand pat my shoulder reassuringly. I glance up to see him smiling sadly.

"Have you eaten anything recently? Since we got here, I mean."

I think for a moment, and then shake my head slowly.

"Then come on. We'll grab something to eat. Alyx'll be okay for now." Shane tells me, but I shake my head and remain where I'm crouched.

"I'm not hungry." I say quietly. "I'll eat later."

"Drew." Shane's voice, for once, is firm and demanding. "Come on. You need to eat."

I look back towards Alyx, watching her for a short moment, and then hear Laurence speak up.

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