Chapter Twenty-Three

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

I can see right through her facade. I know she's only feigning a smile. The others might not be able to see how this is affecting her but then again, I know things about her that no one else does. I can see what's already happening to her.

I play out the same quick riff I was practicing earlier, in an attempt to write new chords for another song. Because by god we need more songs before our gig on Tuesday. Laurence is still frantically writing lyrics, and the others are all working on their own chords.

"We don't have very many songs to perform, do we?" Laurence sighs as he drops his pen onto the tabletop. "Thank god this gig's free - no one'd pay to see us perform four songs."

"Four well-written songs." Shane chimes in. "Besides, we'll write more eventually, right?"

"If this gig goes badly then I doubt we'll find the need to write anymore songs-"

"Bevers." I say pointedly, shooting him a Look. "I'm positive this gig'll go bloody marvellously. No need to worry."

"Yeah, if you like." Laurence replies simply. I repress a deep sigh; it seems that although we all love the idea of being and playing in a band, none of us has very much faith in doing well or being a success.

Apart from Kier, of course, who's still convinced that we're going to record an EP and play at Download festival. Uh...

"Fancy practicing again? Only got ten minutes 'til the bell goes anyway." Luke says simply. I glance up at the clock: ten minutes exactly. As if the decision is made in silent unison, everyone readies themselves in the empty music classroom - our usual practise spot - and quickly break into the song we've decided will be the first in our set, Faces In The Dirt. It took a lot of persuasion from Laurence, Luke and Kier to have Shane and I do backing vocals, and even more persuasion from the rest of us to have Shane sing his own part in this song. In my opinion, the quick practise goes rather swimmingly. As the bell rings, we leave the classroom quickly, and I see two friends of ours, Jack and Will, having an in-depth discussion as they wait outside the classroom for us.

"Yeah, but that's not the point, right? I mean, I think it'd be proper funny. None of us are actually chavs, but- 'Right, guys?" Will grins at us. Jack only smiles and nods slightly in acknowledgement of our presence.

"Lovely sound, that was." He tells us. I smile. "By the way, Kier, your sister said she was heading straight to yours with us to watch you practise."

Kier groans. I suppress a groan too - where Mitch is, interrogation is sure to follow. Bloody great.

We all head off to our separate classes, and I flop down into my seat in my last class today, English. I must say, I'm lucky to have Jack in my class, or I might not be able to cope at all with the work.

"So, first proper gig on Tuesday, eh?" I groan at the thought, and Jack smiles. "Nerves, aw. I'll be sure to get you lot out for a celebratory drink. I mean, now I can; you and Barrone are over 18 now!"

I smile slightly. I'd rather not, but I don't want to let the guys think this is all getting to me - because it sure as hell isn't.

"Sounds cool." I reply quietly.

The teacher quickly dumps sheets on everyone's desks, announcing that she has some "close reading pair exercises" for us to work on, and as we spend the fifty-minute period working on the complete jibberwockery typed on the sheet before me, Jack keeps talking about Alyx.

"Come on, you two seemed really close! What made you break up with her, if you know she regretted it?"

It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, breaking up with her, but I don't want to end up getting back with her and then just being an excuse for her to harm herself again... "I lost interest."

"Pretty harsh. But it's up to you, I guess. Even so, I think you two were great together."

I resist the urge to groan. Why does everyone feel the need to keep going on about it? It's over. That's that. No one else's business.

"Well then." I clear my throat, pointing down at the sheet on the desk before us. "Make sense of this. Some crap about Shakespeare."

"That 'crap' is classic English literature. But even so." He quickly explains the answer to me, and when I don't get it he gives up, insisting that I just copy from his answers instead. The rest of our time in class is spent in much the same manner, until the bell goes and Jack tells me that he and Will are coming to the flat to hear us practise for the gig.

As we meet the other guys in the car park, piling into the van, I can see Mitch and Alyx are already in the back of the van, talking between themselves. Mitch glances up at us as we pile in - for once, Jack and Will have taken mine and Shane's usual spots that are the van's front seats, so the back is now just a little crowded.

"Heads up - Alyx isn't coming over to hear you practise because her parents are back in town." Mitch blurts.

Alyx shoots Mitch a Look. "I could've said that myself, mouthpiece." She mutters, sticking her tongue out at her friend. "I really did want to hear you guys practise. But my dad phoned last night. He and my mum are extending their visit this year. My dad said he's got some news for me, and I don't really want to miss seeing them today. So uh...maybe another time?"

"Not a problem, love. I'll drop you off now." I hear Kier say from the front of the van.

I close my eyes, resting my head against the cool metal that is the side of the van. I guess in a way I can feel a little compassion for her; her parents only visit once a year, from what she's told me, and when they do it must make her feel so out if place and uncomfortable - her mother knows how unstable Alyx is, and must either treat her like dirt or think she's a freak.

I feel the van slow to a stop, and open my eyes to see Alyx slinging her bag over her shoulder and standing up. She bids everyone a quick goodbye, saying the usual "see you in school" line as she pulls open the door at the side of the van and steps out onto the pavement. She's full of smiles as she begins to pull the door closed, but as she meets my gaze the facade drops. I can see the misery in her eyes, the bags under her eyes not masked with her usual eyeliner. She shoots me a sad smile, and as the door closes I can tell this is affecting her worse than I thought.

In fact, it worries me to say that she doesn't seem to be coping at all.

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[Author's Message]

Sorry I didn't upload yesterday; I've been working my little arse off trying to earn money for a ticket to see LostAlone in February, so that's why I haven't written very much recently...

But yeah: here's the next chapter! I know it's pretty rubbish and pointless, but yeah...I wrote it anyway...

Please leave feedback, and feel free to leave a vote! Criticisms, as I've said previously, are much anticipated and appreciated, and they'll help me write better chapters in future!

I can't guarantee regular uploads for a while, because I'm back at school tomorrow and won't really be able to write much in between working in other projects and my schoolwork...sorry, dears!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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