Chapter Three

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[Drew's P.O.V]

I watch from the passenger seat of the van as Alyx quickly makes her way up the path that leads to her house, sending a quick wave our way as she rushes into the house and closes the door with a broad smile. I can't help but smile back at her.

"She's really something, I'll give her that much." Laurence laughs. "Certainly a little mad, and she'll certainly turn out to be quite a charmer. Don't you think, Drew?"

I hear the words, but can't find the will to answer as I sigh deeply, eyes closed as a small smile plays around my lips. She's one of a kind, for sure. I've never met anyone like her before. I-

Shut up, Drew, you sound pathetic!

"Ooh!" Luke and Laurence say mockingly in unison from the back of the van. Kier starts the van's quick movement down the road towards our own flat further away from the school, and I feel my cheeks flush slightly pink.

"Seems like somebody's in love!" Kier says in a sing-song voice, and I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of Alyx...Laurence, how did your vanilla pudding from lunch end up in her bag?"

"You what!" Mitch yells. I hear Laurence's cry of pain as Mitch hits him with something heavy-sounding, and then Barrone's eyes open; I had forgotten he's been sitting between Kier and I this whole time, head resting against my shoulder as he keeps dozing off.

"Little lovestruck Timid." He mutters. "We're not stupid, you know-"

"And neither am I; I know exactly what you're hinting at, and I certainly don't have feelings for her."

"Seems like you're protesting just a little too much, if you ask me." Kier says simply. "In fact, Mitch? How's she been acting around him?"

"All smiley and grinning and bubbly. She wasn't really acting like that in class, or before I introduced her to you guys, but then again I only met her this morning; who knows what she normally acts like? Only time will tell. All we know is that Drew is a completely different person today. And all thanks to the new girl-"

"No, not 'thanks to the new girl'!" I protest; they ignore me, as usual, and begin babbling on about my change in attitude "because of Alyx".

No, Drew, things aren't like that. She's just a friend. You don't have the time or patience for someone like that. Sure, she'd be a good friend, but you don't feel anything like that for her!

Besides, even if I did, it's not really any of their business.

After dropping Mitch off at her parents' house, Kier stops the van in front of our own flat. As the others all walk into the house, I'm stopped by Kier, who looks curious.

"Drew. You can tell me, you know, if it seems like you have feelings for her-"

"I don't!" I exclaim. "I just...she's...different." Kier nods, as if understanding what I mean. All my life, I haven't felt the need to speak an awful lot to people I hardly know, and I don't feel the need to ask them questions about themselves, like the kind of person they are or anything. I've always been able to figure a person out from the second I meet them, but...well, Alyx is the first person I've ever met that I haven't been able to figure out. And that really frustrates me. It makes things so much more difficult, and dammit if it doesn't annoy me.

"Ah. So the only reason you've taken an interest in her is because you don't know anything about her?" Kier asks. I nod.

"Yeah. I mean, I know she likes Marvel, and her favourite DC hero is Wonder Woman. I know she doesn't read novels much, and she's in my chemistry class. She moved here from Glasgow because her aunt travels a lot...but other than that I don't know anything about her. It's like...well, I need to know about her. I don't know why. It's not that I like her or anything, it's just that it seems like she's hiding something."

Kier smiles knowingly. "Oh. If you say so. C'mon, Laurence said he's ordering pizza, and I want a piece of that sh-"

"Okay, whatever." I say stubbornly, quickly making my way into the house. The others are already all lounging around on the sofa, and the other chairs in the room are cluttered with Shane's drawing stuff, so I decide to sit on the floor, sighing deeply at the mess of the place. The guys always refuse to tidy up, and to be honest it's kind of disgusting. Even Mitch, who doesn't do much cleaning herself, refuses to step foot in the flat until we've cleaned it up and made it "a home", whatever she means by that.

Once the controversy of pizza toppings is over - Laurence once again wins with his vegetarian input of "cheese, cheese and more cheese!" - and the guys have all drifted off to do their own stuff, I sit up on the sofa, finding myself thinking about Alyx, and how peculiar the girl is.

She certainly is strange, that's obvious. She clearly has a sense of humour like Kier and Shane: anyone that finds that malarkey with the locker amusing is just a little bit warped. She doesn't have much to say about anything unless it's something that interests her. And yet, despite all my observations...I still can't figure her out. I frown down at my tightly-clasped hands, ignoring the sound of both the phone ringing and the doorbell shrilly dinging. I can't be bothered. Someone else will deal with it.

Sure enough, Shane sighs deeply, getting up and answering the door, and Luke answers the phone. I ignore everything for a second, and then groan quietly, flopping onto my side on the grubby sofa, my head now resting on an unsuspecting Kier's lap.

"What's up, Wooly?" He asks, ruffling my hair playfully; I shrug slightly, still frowning.

"The sky." I mutter. I hear his low chuckle, and then speak again, quieter this time. "I don't get it. I can't figure her out at all, despite the fact I've learned stuff about her from being in her company. I don't get it at all."

"Sounds like you're hung up, mate, on a girl you only met hours ago." Kier says quietly in reply.

"Still a better love story than Twilight." I hear Laurence say through a mouthful of pizza, flopping a box down on the floor before us. "Sounds pretty adorable, though. Hey, that'd make a good song, though, when you-"

"Shut up, Bevers." I growl. Laurence laughs.

"I thought I was the pissy one!" He holds up a slice of pizza, waving it in front of my face. "Now come on, eat. You can dwell over this later. Besides, don't you know that eating helps you grow?"

I can't help but smile; the guys always love teasing me about my being the shortest of the group. I've learned to just go along with it.

"Alright." I sit up and grab the slice of pizza, eating it only to shut him up - in fact, I'm not actually that hungry. "But I'm not hung up on her. I'm just curious as to why I can't figure her out. Seems like she's got a secret."

"I suppose." Kier says quietly. I finish eating my pizza quickly, passing up the offer of another as I stand up and walk through to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge and sitting face-down at the table. I can't be bothered listening to then discussing their suspicions, because they sure as hell aren't true. I don't feel anything for Alyx, and I sure as hell never will. I hope.

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[Author's Message]

I've uploaded three days in a row for this fanfic - pretty proud of myself! Writing Drew's point of view was harder than I thought it would be - if you think about it, this is a fanfic based on real people, and I don't actually know what kind of a person he is or how he'd deal with something like this. But here's an attempt! Please leave feedback, dears, 'tis much appreciated, and will motivate me to upload again tomorrow!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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