Chapter Twenty

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

I don't say anything as I enter the flat, quietly closing the door behind me. I can hear the sound of shooting and in-game dialogue that tells me the guys are playing Call of Duty, as they were when I left the flat earlier. I drop into the only empty seat in the front room, next to Shane - he looks bored as ever, sitting with a pencil and drawing pad in hand as he sketches Mitch, who is on the other side of the room, aimlessly, obviously not very interested in playing war games. I glance around the room; Luke is in a permanent winning streak of fifty-or-so kills, Kier is cursing continuously every time he is killed - by Luke, no doubt - and I can see Mitch sitting in the floor, her head resting against Kier's legs. I see Laurence on the other end of the sofa, playing the video game in silence, and resist the urge to snort. Surely he must have something to say, a way to explain himself!

But no. Despite the fact he knows what he's done, he's too much of a coward to tell me himself. Well fine then.

I don't want to let this get to me - after all, she's just a girl, right? Nothing to get devastated over. Nothing special.

I stand up silently, the others not taking any notice as I walk through to the kitchen and grab myself a beer. I remain at the counter, standing with a bottle of beer in hand as I try to contain my anger. I'm usually such a calm person, it takes a lot to work me up or make me angry.

"Hey," I hear Shane's low, monotonous voice behind me, "you alright?"

I snort.

"What's wrong?" He stands against the counter, peering at me curiously.

"Why don't you ask Laurence?" I mutter. Shane rests a hand on my shoulder.

"I take it you two've fallen out?"

"Not directly." I take a drink from my bottle.

"Tell me what's wrong, Wooly." He smiles sympathetically down at me. I sigh deeply.

"I'm not going to tell you everything, because I don't know everything. But Alyx told me that at the party Laurence kissed her."

His eyes widen as those words sink in, and then he's parading through to the front room, his hand tightly gripping my wrist to keep me in tow.

"Laurence." Laurence turns slowly in his seat to see Shane's wide eyes glaring up a a storm. I just don't want to speak about Alyx right now, I don't really possess the same level of anger needed to deal with this. "You've got some explaining to do. Now."

The game on the tv is quickly paused, and the others all run to face the commotion.

"Explain what?" Mitch narrows her eyes at Laurence.

"He kissed Alyx at the party. Explain that."

"You've bloody kidding me! Laurence?"

"What the fuck are you playing at?" Kier stands quickly. "You may be my best mate and all but that doesn't stop me thinking that's utterly disgusting! She's with Drew!"

"Was." I correct quietly. Mitch's gasp is loud, and as she stands up her phone is already at her ear as she phones who I suspect may be Alyx. Kier looks disgusted with Laurence as the twins both leave the flat quickly. Luke sits in silence, looking confused, and Laurence looks apologetic as he looks between Shane and I.


"Sorry doesn't even begin to-"

"Shane." I say quietly. "Sh. I've got this." I look up at the boy who's been my best friend for years. "I know you're sorry. In fact, Alyx told me it was all a drunken mistake. But none of that changes what both of you did." I turn slowly to return to the kitchen, and Laurence chooses this moment to speak.

"It was just a kiss! It wasn't like anything else happened-"

"That's not the bloody point!" I spin on my heel, scowling at Laurence. "I was with her. She was my girlfriend. And to have you steal her away from me - on my birthday, of all bloody days!"

I can see the apology in Laurence's eyes, but he just plops back down on the sofa, resting his head in his hands. I suppress a snort, and return to the kitchen. The urge to punch him in the face is festering away inside me, but I ignore it and sit at the kitchen table, ignoring Shane's clear sympathies as I take another drink of beer.

"Why'd you break up with her?" Shane asks as he fiddles aimlessly with his glasses.

"Because she didn't deny letting him kiss her."

"Yeah; but if she was drunk when she let him, she would've regretted it when she was sober."

"She was perfectly sober." I take a long gulp of beer, quickly emptying the bottle. "She wasn't drunk at all at the party. I don't believe for a second that it was a 'drunken mistake'." Even though a small part of me sure as hell wants to believe it.

"Maybe you've made a mistake, Drew." Shane tells me.

I laugh softly, and see Shane's troubled, unconvinced frown as I take another bottle of beer from the fridge, but push it to the back of my mind. I won't let this get to me. Alyx doesn't mean enough to me to get to me.

"No. This is the first time in a while I've done the right thing."

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[Author's Message]

Sorry I took longer than expected to write this chapter; it's just so difficult to write in Drew's P.O.V. sometimes!

Well, don't judge the fact that I may have made Drew and Laurence both appear to be prize dicks, but it's all for a good cause!! Well, not really, just for the rest of the bloody story, but still...

Please leave feedback, and be sure to drop a vote if you want!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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