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[Drew's P.O.V.]

The words "We are! Fearless! Vampire! Killers!" boom out around the room, the cheering, screaming and yelling of fans hitting our band with such staggering force. Bow Ties On Dead Guys starts up, always our opening song, and Kier sings into a microphone, completely at ease and full of confidence at the front of the stage in the O2 Academy Glasgow. The music we play is loud, eccentric, jumpy, and I thrash around the stage wildly, seeming to battle with what Kerrang! call my "possessed bass". Well, let them call it what they want, I'm just grateful they let five idiots like us come on the Kerrang! Tour this year.

Every song we play produces louder cheers, and when Laurence and Kier swap, as they've always done, halfway through our rather short set - we only get a half hour onstage, oh the injustice! - the atmosphere is almost electric. People are yelling "Wet Panda" - a reference to our mascot, of course, a panda pillow placed atop Luke's bass drum that was given to us by a fan - and some peculiar girls near the barrier are yelling about Kier and Shane. I can hear the crowd quieten down slightly, and the words "Kier! Shanus! Get in ma bed!" hit my ears instantly. I smirk. Sorry, girls, but one is taken, and the other isn't really into screaming cosplayers. In fact, who knows if he's even into girls?

We begin playing Could We Burn, Darling?, the whole crowd doing as Laurence instructs and making "sex growl" noises. At War With The Thirst has the venue pounding, with the words "go home, go away" reverberating around the large room marvellously. As we finish the set, my eyes search the crowd, and I can see a group of squealing fangirls yelling about Kier and I. The words "Kier...Drew...tickle...bum!" can be heard, and I smile as I realise that they've discovered two little things called "stage front" and "sex appeal".

I let my eyes scan the photographers pit hopefully, and my gaze lands upon a blue-and-black-haired girl taking pictures frantically whilst she has the chance. She snaps a picture of me, and then her turquoise eyes meet my hazel gaze for a second. I grin, backing off the stage with a wave. She's come to see me, like she promised she would.

After so long, I'm finally going to be reunited with Alyx. My Alyx.

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[Author's Message]

And so ends my first full-length fanfiction. I must say, cheersh to everyone that's read this far, 'tis blardy marvellous of you all to read what I originally started as a crappy side-project. I originally meant for it to be about five chapters long, but it exceeded the limit and went to 44 parts. Whoops lolz. Well, here you go then. Oh, and I'm DEFINITELY WRITING A SEQUEL! I won't say who it's about, though, you'll just have to wait and see...heh.

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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