Chapter Twenty-Four

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[Alyx's P.O.V.]

I sit down on the sofa opposite my waiting aunt and parents, dumping my bag on the floor at me feet. The atmosphere is uncomfortable, almost stuffy in the front room. My dad smiles over at me, but my mother refuses to meet my eyes as she fiddles aimlessly with the hem of her denim jacket.

"Why'd you extend your visit?" I skip the mundane, usual hellos. I can see the grimace quickly spread over my mother's face, but it's gone as quickly as it arrived, replaced with her usually blank expression.

"We haven't really spent as much time with you as parents are expected to with their only child. we are!" My dad sounds cheerful, as usual. I resist the urge to snort. Damn right, they haven't spent enough time with me. In fact, every time they visit it's more because they feel obligated to, not because they want to.

"You apparently have some kind of big news for me?" I ask, studying them both questioningly.

My mother laughs softly to herself as my dad speaks.

"Well, we're...well, your mum and I have decided that we want to do some travelling," I shoot him a no-shit kind of look, "around the world." My aunt's eyebrows shoot right up at the same time as mine do, but I'm quicker to straighten myself up, clearing my throat. "And there's something we believe should be done."

Now my mother speaks up, her wicked brown eyes that I'm lucky I didn't inherit glaring with malice as she looks up at me. "You're going to come with us."

My jaw threatens to drop, my eyes practically bugging out of my head. My mum's slight smile is more of a smirk, and my dad just smiles reassuringly, blue eyes wrinkling at the corners as a sign of his coming age.

"What, so I...I don't even get a say in the matter?" I stand up quickly.

"It's not like that, Alyx. We just thought, since we only see you for a couple of months a year, at the most, and you're constantly travelling every couple of years-"

"What, that I'd be okay with this?" I scowl down at my parents.

"Alyx, please." My dad, always the peacemaker. Shame he just never gives his own opinion - always follows my mum's instead.

"No!" I don't want to go." I'd rather spend the rest of my days moving city every couple of years than have to travel the world with parents that don't even care about me, and never have!

"Don't be so stubborn." My mother stands quickly, scowling down at me.

"I personally think she should make this decision herself. She's over sixteen, after all-"

"Shut up, Maura, I don't really give a damn what you personally think." My mother retorts. after that my aunt is quiet, not bothering to say anything.

"You can't make me do anything." I snap.

"We are your parents, and you'll do what we say." My mother stands slowly.

I narrow my eyes until I'm scowling at her through tiny slits, my hands balling up into fists.

"Well you sure as hell don't act like your my parents." My mother opens her mouth to speak, but I cut her off abruptly. "You waited until you thought I was old enough to just dump me with my aunt and start travelling, as if you didn't even want me to begin with! I've been going through hell for years because I haven't had parents to support me like everyone else, and yet you two, when you visit every year you act as though you couldn't care less, you don't even bother to ask me how I'm doing at school, what my interests are, if I'm feeling okay! It's like you don't want a child, like you never wanted to be parents!"

My aunt is now scowling at my parents, as if it's only just occurred to her that this is the raw truth. My father looks ashamed, but my mother looks like an utter bitch, as always, just scowling back at me.

"You want to be like that? Tough. We're your parents, we make the decisions regarding what's best for you. And so I don't care what the hell you do or don't want to do, because you'll come with us regardless."

I look down at my father in question, hoping he'll give his opinion for a change. Hoping he'll help me out for once, and not assist my mother as always.

He stares down at the carpet instead, refusing to say anything in my defence. My aunt is the same.

A suddenly feeling of nausea fills me, and my head is spinning. I clutch my head as I push past my father, my hand in my grasp as I rush up the stairs and thunder into my bedroom. I can hear someone coming up the stairs after me, but I completely ignore them as I lock my door, quickly throwing my bag on the bed.

I can hear my door being pounded upon, my aunt begging for me to open up and explain exactly what I meant by "going through hell". I quickly grab a couple of clean outfits from my drawers and shoving the clean clothes into it, cramming in my notebook, straighteners and eyeliner on top of my clothes and few school books. I sling my bag over my shoulder, quickly ripping a blank page from the first book I set my eyes on, grabbing a pen from my desk and quickly scribbling a haste note.

'Sorry, aunt Maura, but I don't want to be subjected to having to spend any more time with my "parents" than I already have tonight. I'll be elsewhere until they're gone. x'.

I leave the note on my bed, before reaching over my desk and opening the window. By now my aunt has stopped battering on my door, so she's probably disappeared downstairs to see to my parents. I take this opportunity to climb up onto my desk and slip out of the window, feeling freezing cold rain battering down on me as I slip my hood over my head, sliding down the rooftop and dropping to my feet on the ground. I pull my phone out from my pocket, punching numbers in quickly, biting back tears. The number I dial is only from instinct - the only person I can talk to, have ever been able to talk to.

I gain an answer after only two rings.

"Drew." I don't wait for a "hello". "I need your help."

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[Author's Message]

Okay. So I'm sorry if this is all so sudden. But I haven't updated in a week! So I tried to make it a somewhat exciting chapter. Fancy leaving some feedback, tell me what you think?

Sorry I haven't really edited, I couldn't be arsed! I will at some point though, promise!

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers x

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