Chapter Thirty-Three

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

"Alyx..." I mumble, wincing as I open my eyes and let a bright light almost blind me. I frown and push into an upright position. We've been here for hours, and I'm surprised they're still operating, to be completely honest. Even more reason to assume that she's not going to make it. I glance to the side to see that Shane is no longer sitting by my side, but is in fact sleeping on his back on the waiting room floor, a small figure lying over him. I smile sadly as I watch Mitch and Shane sleeping in a careless heap. I would do what they're doing and sleep to forget my troubles, but my worry and anxiety won't allow me to sleep properly.

Laurence, Luke and Kier went home about an hour ago to get some sleep, and Alyx's aunt is asleep in a chair nearby. I stand up slowly, beginning to pace back and forth in the bright, silent room, my mind whirring and my head spinning.

It's all my fault, I don't know if she's going to pull through, she's going to die and it's all my fault, I should have never let her run out onto the road like that, I don't want to lose her at all, not like this, not now...

"Excuse me." I hear the low voice coming from the double doors, and my head whips around quickly, my eyes wide as I see the man standing in the open doorway. "Are you all here for Alyxandrea Barnes?"


"Well, it may relieve you to know that she is now in a relatively stable condition, although she is to be kept under close observation. You may visit her during normal visiting hours - unless you're family?"


"Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait until normal visiting-"

"Please." I step towards the man, my eyes wide and my heart pounding furiously with a sudden desperation to see her. "I need to see her. It's my fault she's here. Can I just see her for two minutes? Please?"

The man sighs, stepping aside. "Fine. But no one hears of this." He points towards a door on the right hand side of the corridor, and I thank him, before silently making my way through to the room. I stop in the doorway as I see the small, pale, black-haired mess on the bed, her eyes closed, making her appear almost peaceful. What a wicked illusion. The steady beeping of the monitor is eerie in the small, otherwise silent room, and the tubes and such sticking out of her skin in various places makes her appear more helpless and vulnerable.

"There's still a high level of risk for her." The man tells me, smiling reassuringly.

"She's just sleeping, right?" I ask, crossing the room and kneeling beside the bed, touching her ice-cold hand.

His next words worry me to the very core, almost driving me back into a state of shock as my hand tightens around hers and I bite back tears.

"She's comatose."

"Oh...okay." I mumble. "When will she wake up?"

"It doesn't really work that way," he tells me, "it's unpredictable. Besides, we don't know if she'll wake up with any head trauma or permanent damage. Only time will tell."

I nod. "Okay." I look over my shoulder to see him leaving the room, but he pauses in the doorway.

"Stay for as long as you need to. And keep in mind, she can probably hear you and everything else in the room." And with that he's gone.

I look back towards Alyx, smiling sadly. "Alyx. It's me, Drew." I squeeze her hand again, this time more gently than before. "The others were here earlier, but they had to leave. So, just us. Your aunt is in the waiting room, but she's asleep. And so are Shane and Mitch. All bundled up together, just like we all said they would be eventually." I laugh slightly, but the sound holds no humour. There's no room for humour in a place like this. I pause for a moment, before sighing deeply. "Look, I know this is all my fault. I don't know what I can say or do to fix all this. I would never have enough time to apologise as much as I should. I don't blame you if you hate me now, I deserve it."

No answer. Of course. She's comatose. Of course she would never give me any kind of answer.

I notice a chair at the side of the bed, and slip up onto it, my hand closing tighter around hers again. I rest my head against the covers, just shy of her arm.

"I love you, Alyx. Goodnight."

Within a few short moments I'm drifting off into an unbearably torturous unconsciousness.

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[Author's Message]

I feel terrible for making this chapter so depressing. But it came out exactly as I wanted it to. Excuse any typing errors, I'm uploading from my terrible little iPod and so I can't do a thorough spell-check. I'll re-edit it when I read it back over, probably. As for votes and comments, they're still very much anticipated and appreciated! And rewarded with a shiny tinfoil hat.

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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