Chapter Thirty-Two

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[Drew's P.O.V.]

Everything happens in a slow and painful blur. The world seems to stop moving as the small, dark form that is Alyx Barnes drops to the ground, remaining unmoving.

"Alyx!" I run out towards her, dropping to my knees and not caring about the pain in my legs from the force of my knees hitting tarmac as I push the hair back from her face and search it for any sign of life. Her face is screwed up in a picture of horror, blood trickling down from her head. I can hear the van door quickly open but choose to ignore it, and when the driver of the van kneels down beside me, my head snaps up to meet his worried and wide-eyed gaze.

"Please, phone an ambulance. Quickly." I gasp, before pulling Alyx's crumpled form onto my lap, cradling her bleeding head.

"Alyx, come on. You've got to wake up. Stay with me, please." No answer.

"Hello, can I get an ambulance please? There's a girl..."

Everything seems to sound as though it's been engulfed in water after that. Everything happens so quickly, and I can see her blood on my hands. Her lifeless form causes tears to spring to my eyes, and the blare of sirens and flashing of red and blue lights can be heard and seen in the distance.

"Alyx, come on. They're gonna come and make you better. You need to get up, you idiot. Come on!" I shake her gently, my hands shaking and my vision blurred with tears. I don't move to wipe my face as it dampens with my tears, and my gaze never leaves Alyx. My head is spinning, my mind filled with only one thought: This is all my fault. If I hadn't let go of her hand and allowed her to skip out onto the road, if I had had the brains to run out and push her out of the way so that I might have been hurt instead...

I hardly notice anything that's happening outside of my own head until I see some strangers in uniform prying her gently away from me, hoisting her up onto a cart and into the back of a blaring ambulance. By this time a crowd has gathered, and I can feel hands tugging quickly at my arms, trying to gain my attention.

"Come on, love. Let's get you up to the hospital with your friend."

I look up to see a middle-aged woman, with thinning grey hair and sad green eyes, pulling me to my feet, and I follow on limply behind her as she bundles me into the back of the ambulance where Alyx lies unconscious. I can see her being held in place by two older men, who are trying to stop her bleeding and trying to keep her stable. I stare blankly at her pale face, seeing the red streaks of blood down her face. I can feel my hands shaking, my face wet from tears, and everything seems like a horrible, dragging nightmare as we reach the hospital.

The doors open quickly, and as they rush Alyx out of the ambulance and into the hospital I can hear someone giving her condition and levels to the men rushing her inside. The same woman as before quickly moves me along, her grip tight on my arm. I follow quickly on behind the bed, and then the woman stops me from going on any further as the others burst through a set of double doors with Alyx. She follows on quickly, and I look up to see the word "operating theatre" above the door on a large blue sign. I stop moving, my hands shaking still, and then numbly creep across what looks like a waiting room, slipping into the first chair I find and staring into space for the next only-god-knows how long. It's only when I remember that the others don't know that I snap out of it for a second, pulling out my phone and shakily dialling Kier's number.

"Drew, mate?" I hear Kier answer the phone, and my hands shake as I speak, my bottom lip quivering and my eyes brimming with fresh tears.

"It's Alyx. Sh-she's in h-hospital."

I hear Kier's gasp, and the only thing I pick up after that is him saying that he and the others will be here soon. I hang up shortly afterward, dropping my phone into my lap and resting my head in my hands, holding my breath and then exhaling deeply to control myself.

A while passes before I hear loud shouting, and then Laurence bursts through the double doors we came through what seems like hours ago, a nurse tagging on behind him, and the others frantic as they follow suit.

"Where the fuck is she?!"

"Operating." I hear Mitch mumble, seeing the running mascara streaking her face as she looks up at the sign.

"And what the fuck is wrong with her?! Why do they need to operate?!"

"I'm sorry, we're not liable to give out that information-"

"Fucking hell!" I hear him curse, and then he begins to pace back and forth across the waiting room, pulling a hand through his messy black hair and cursing repeatedly to himself. I see Kier sink into the chair on my left, Mitch sinking into his lap and hiding her face in his shoulder as she cries. Luke stands by the double doors, muttering to himself, and Shane drops into the chair next to me, resting a hand on my shoulder. I just stare into space again, not able to do anything else.

"What the hell happened?" He asks me, and I grit my teeth, unable to answer as my eyes burn with the stinging sensation of fresh tears.



"Shwshtbyavn. Mflt."

"Drew. It's not your fault." Shane tugs me into a tight embrace, sighing, and that's when I let the tears freely fall again.

"'Tis." I mumble. "She skipped out and-"

"It's no one's fault." Shane reassures me. "Come on, you've got to stay strong for Alyx. For all us lot. She'll pull through, she's a fighter."

I nod. My mind is telling me that he's only saying all this to make me feel better. But she's going to die, and I don't feel any better than before.

"Luke." Shane looks up and looks towards the bearded man that is waiting by the door. "Can you phone Alyx's aunt?"

Luke glances towards us, and then towards Mitch, who silently pulls out her phone and hands it to a waiting Luke, knowing she's the only one here with the woman's number. Luke steps outside to use the phone, and time seems to drag by from this point onwards. I rest my head on Shane's shoulder, my eyes sore and dried out, slipping in and out of consciousness every so often. The whole time, Laurence is pacing back and forth across the waiting room, arguing with nurses about Alyx's condition, although we learn that they're still operating. The sympathetic look in a nurses eyes as he tells us already warns me that Alyx won't make it.

We wait for what seems like an eternity, all praying for her to pull through, whilst through those double doors the one my heart belongs to fights for her life.

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[Author's Message]

This is a rather sad chapter. Sorry for that. Please leave feedback, and perhaps even a sympathy vote for Drew and Alyx...

Keep the peace, stay awesome and faith always...Bevers ;; x

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