Happy Holidays (Fluff)

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 Christmas, your favorite time of the year. Hot chocolate, snowball fights with the boys, and opening gifts. But this was the second Christmas with your baby and you had a big surprise for your husbands. Aika was about 2 years old now. She was growing big quickly.

6 a.m. The dreaded time of being woken up by cries from the room next to yours. 

Once you were out of bed, you looked at the boys and yelled, "HEY! It's Christmas and she's way more excited than you. If you don't get your lazy butts out of bed right now, you will miss her seeing the presents under the tree." 

All three boys jumped out of bed and ran to Aika's room to be the first to see her.

After spending time in her room, you were the one who walked her out to the living room to see the trees, and awaiting you both was Izuku holding a camera, Katsuki trying not to cry, and Shoto grabbing Aika's stocking off the mantle. Izuku had you wave your daughter's cute little hand and the camera and then you set her down to check out her stocking. As every toddler does, she pulled out an item, was really interested in it, then found something else in her stocking and threw what she was holding next to her.

After all, Aika's gifts were opened and a bit of playtime, she went down for a nap after you all had breakfast. You and the boys decided this was time to open your gifts to each other. The boys and you gave each other cheesy gifts. That was until you told them you had a surprise for them and ran to your bedroom to grab the gift. You placed the small box in the middle of the three muscular males. They all just looked at each other wondering who would open it. Shoto reached for the box and unwrapped it. He stared at it. Katsuki grabbed it from his hands after a while and then stared at it himself. Izuku leaned over Katsukis's shoulder and froze. 

They all looked up at you at the same time. "Your?"

"Yup. Pregnant."

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