Curiosity Killed The Cat (Fluff)

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Requested by CConfusedWeeBB  Triple update for real now!

You were always possessive of your belongings. You would never share with siblings or friends. You often snatched things out of people's hands and got aggressive if someone even touched a belonging of yours. So it was really difficult for you to have not one, not two, but three boyfriends.

It wasn't easy being in a different class than them. You were in class 1-C and they were in class 1-A. Big difference huh. There were a few girls you had your eyes on that would get a little flirtatious with your boys. They were stupid and completely oblivious of it. But sometimes you looked at the girls and realized how pretty they were and how they would be perfect with your boys. It hurt your heart. 

Ochako was head over heels for Izuku. You imagined the two together. The perfect personality match, the height difference, her fitting right into his arms... You could go on and on but then you thought about Momo. She had her eyes on Shoto. Rich families, big tits, helpful quirk, nothing to lose there. And last but not least, Mina. You knew she really didn't have a thing for Katsuki but you still knew how close they were with each other. 

Sometimes you just felt so insecure. About your life, fashion, family, looks, personality, I mean they had everything they could ever dream of in front of them. So why you? 

The school bell rang, indicating the day was over. You grabbed your stuff and left as soon as you could. You didn't even stop at your meeting spot with the boys. You would all walk together to someone's dorm from there every day. But you were just so upset you kept walking.

"She didn't even stop here, she just walked to her dorm," a purple-haired male explained to the three worried hero trainees. 

It was really strange of you to do that, in all honesty. You never would do that unless... UNLESS. The boys looked at each other with that knowing look and started making their way to your dorm.

Tears littered your face and drowned your pillow. You were continuously shaming yourself for just about anything you could. You were so deep into your own thoughts that you didn't hear your door open. It surprised you when you felt a warm hand on your back. It was Shoto.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked while circling his hand on your back.

"I- Its- I- Me- It's all- me- im- not right-" you tried to spit out while continuing to sob. 

Shoto wasn't a dummy, he knew what was going on. He went and grabbed Katsuki, Izuku, Izuku, and the bag of chocolates and candy they bought before stopping by. 

"Y/N L/N you are silly if you think that one of us would leave you for someone fucking else. You are fucking smart, fucking kind, fucking hot, and have a smoking fucking ass darling." Katsuki told you as he rubbed his hand on your ass. 

You giggled. No more words were to be exchanged. They knew it would be hard to accept, but it was the same way for them too. The way to cure the moment was the candy, cuddles, naps, kisses, and Izuku shyly humming a song to calm everyone in the room. 

It's hard for you to accept the truth but you knew, if the boys were yours, you were theirs.

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