Mission Break (Fluff and Smut)

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This was requested by BakaAnimeWeeb Hope you enjoy my first time writing smut!

Life was stressful currently. There had been a spike in criminal activity in Japan and it was you and your boy's job to take care of it. You all would go together to get the job done quicker but because of the up rate, you never had any time to relax with each other. Until today that was...

All four of you came back home from your mission and you all basically fell onto the couch for comfort. You all moved to the bed at some point for extra comfort but you don't remember when because you were so out of it. Not even an hour later of cuddling, you felt something press against your back. You weren't quite sure what it was so you moved your ass to feel it. Bad idea because you immediately knew what it was then. You turned to face an embarrassed Izuku. And that was just the beginning.

All of a sudden you were flipped around by Katsuki and were placed on all fours. Shoto burned your clothing off with no hesitation and the heat made you squeak a bit. Izuku already took his pants and boxers off and was stroking his length in front of your face. You stuck your tongue out and looked up at him. He couldn't resist the offer and shoved his cock in your mouth.

Hearing a zipper from behind you, you knew exactly what would come next. Without preparation, Katsuki slowly entered inside of you causing you to moan around Izuku. Waiting for his turn, Shoto was pumping his cock in his hand. Quickly paced, Katsuki continued to ram into you Izuku doing the same. With praises and curses coming out of his mouth, Katsuki came and you knew Shoto was next. At least Shoto would be a lot less rough. Once the dual haired man and broccoli boy came, you thought it would be done. But once you felt Katsuki leaving more hickeys, you knew you would probably be up all night long, and you wouldn't be able to walk for days.

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