Box (Fluff)

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His hands were so shaky as you were getting ready for your date night with your boyfriends. You watched out of the corner of your eye as Katsuki was putting on a casual button-up shirt but was having a lot of difficulty with it.

"Baby, are you ok? Your shaking so much," you had asked him with a concerned tone walking over to him. He took a deep breath and responded, "yea I'm just fine love, go finish getting ready. Deku and Icy Hot are waiting for us."

You giggled at the silly nicknames Katsuki had continued from your high school days when you all had started dating. Speaking of dating, today was your 4 year anniversary with your boys so you were going to go to the park where it all went down.   

You quickly finished your eyeliner and stepped back from the mirror to see your finished look. The mint green sundress you wore was just the right color to go with your h/c hair. You were satisfied with your look and ran to Katsuki, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and went to join the calmer two of the three boys in the living room.

A few minutes later after you being showered in compliments, Katsuki came out of your bedroom looking handsome as always. You went and grabbed the heavy picnic basket full of goodies, and walked out the door into the warm sunny day. You smiled, looking up into the bright sky knowing that today would be a good day. 

Once you made it to the park and climbed up the hill with the boys, you set up the picnic blanket for the four of you to sit on. You pulled the cups, plates, and chopsticks out of the basket and grabbed the container of regular and spicy sesame chicken, Todoroki had made for all of you earlier today.

As you ate your food as cleanly as possible, Katsuki saw your smile as you chewed on the bite of chicken and thank the Icy-Hot boy. All he could think about was how beautiful you were knowing he would make this day even better for you and your other boys.

After finishing the food, you all decided to stay at the park for the rest of the day. You walked around, raced to see who was the fastest running, played tag, watched the sunset, and finished off with some cuddling under the cloudy night sky. You were the one cuddling into Shoto's chest as Izuku snuggled with Katsuki.

"Kacchan? What's wrong?" A worried Deku asked his lifelong friend.

"I- uh it's nothing," Katsuki said with a quick pace trying to ignore the question.

"Your shaking Kacchan, it's not nothing, " Izuku said getting off of Katsuki.

"Fine, I guess it is something. I need you three to follow me somewhere," Katsuki said standing up.

You stood up allowing Shoto to get up and brushed off your clothing from laying on the ground. Shoto and Izuku looked at each other with a question in their eyes, as you shrugged and followed Katsuki.

Once you made it to the destination, which was the fountain in the center of the park, Katsuki told you three to sit on the edge of it. Following his words you did, sitting a bit squished between the other two males.

"I love you three so very very much and I hope you can know that by now," Katsuki said with a big breath.

"You have changed the way I used to be and made me a better person. I always am so terrified when you go out on a mission and come back home all scratched and bruised. I have no clue what I would have done with my life if I didn't have you three here. We have been together for quite a few years, but those have been some of the best years of my life," Katsuki started fumbling in his pant pockets.

"I want to continue this adventure of life with its ups and downs with you three. So..." Katsuki knelt down on one knee and pulled three boxes out of the pockets on his pants. "Will you three marry me?" He opened the three boxes to show three different rings, one for each of you.

Izuku stood up crying and nodded his head as you and Shoto stood up with teary eyes and responded in unison, "Yes!"

Katsuki gave you three the rings he picked out for you. "I picked them out by which one I thought was the best for you each."

Yours looked like this, something pretty, gold, and a peaceful nature look.

Yours looked like this, something pretty, gold, and a peaceful nature look

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Izukus looked like this, something a bit "feminine" and gentle.

And Shotos looked like this, a classic male engagement ring, with a bit of red to show Katsukis love for his fireside of his quirk

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And Shotos looked like this, a classic male engagement ring, with a bit of red to show Katsukis love for his fireside of his quirk.

And Shotos looked like this, a classic male engagement ring, with a bit of red to show Katsukis love for his fireside of his quirk

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You all immediately put them on your ring fingers and had a group hug with Katsuki in the middle. He was so thankful that you loved them and was so happy that he now had something to show that his teddy bear, Deku, and Icy-Hot belonged to him.

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