Gamer Girl (Fluff)

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Sleeping, eating, watching movies. What else do you do on weekends where you don't have to do anything. Oh of course. Gaming!

Ya know, playing Call of Duty, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, whatever your favorite game is. All of the boys were outside training of course and they thought you were still watching your favorite show inside and just kept yelling at each other as usual. This was bothering you because you had your whole setup on and were talking to Mina, Uraraka, and Jirou. 

"Hang on guys ill be right back," you told your girlfriends taking off your headset and walking to the back door opening it. 

"SHUT THE HELL UP WILL YOU? IM TRYING TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES," you yelled making Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki freeze in place and just stare at you as you closed the door and walked away. 


Still, gaming, screaming at the TV as you were killed by making a dumb mistake in Apex. You laughed as the girls made fun of you and you logged into a different lobby with them. The boys came in needing showers after being covered in sweat. Katsuki walked up to you and kissed your forehead as you tried to doge to be able to see the screen. Shoto obviously made soba for you all to eat. When you didn't join the boys at the table, Izuku brought you a bowl of food and made sure you ate while gaming.

After dinner, your boyfriends cleaned up the kitchen and winced every time they heard you scream because it was really loud. They went into the bedroom to cuddle and watch a Disney movie to try and lure you to join them. Unlucky for them it didn't work but they spent the time just the three of them. Once the movie finished, it was around 2 am so Shoto got up to see if you were still awake and if you were taking care of yourself. He snuck away from the green and blonde-haired boys who were sleeping. Once he reached the living room, he saw you sleeping, controller in your hand, headset partially on, and the TV still playing a victory screen. He quietly turned off the console, removed your headset and controller, and picked you up. He walked to the bedroom and placed you on the bed.

He kissed your forehead as you snuggled into his chest and whispered, "what a cute little gamer girl we have."

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