A Bit Dizzy (Fluff)

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Requested by iloveorhateithere

It happens to almost everyone at some point in their life. You were 24 and married and it was just now happening to you. You were getting your wisdom teeth removed.

The night before the procedure, you looked at your husbands and told them, no funny business. You were almost positive that they had some tricks up your sleeves.

You were terrified of the surgery. Who wouldn't be? You were so thankful to have your boys next to you before it started. You held onto their hands as the dentist talked to you while giving you the medicine in your body. And just like that, you were out.

You woke up very dizzy. You were totally confused to see 3 men sitting around you, one of them having their hand on top of yours. You withdrew your hand.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" You asked while giving a strange look.

"Oi! We're your fucking husbands, asshole," Katsuki responded while obviously frustrated.

"Ew," you replied. It was just a disaster from then on.

Once home, the men who claimed to be your husbands tried to show pictures of proof. You were somewhat convinced but still unsure. You fell asleep very quickly that night.

The next day you apologized for not believing your boys but was still cranky because it hurt to eat. All you ate was mashed potatoes for about a week. Sometimes if you were good, Katsuki would feed you a bowl of ice cream.

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