Valentines Day (Fluff)

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Oh, it's Valentine's Day! The day where most people complain because they're single. But one day they will find the love of their life and you had been one to find that true yourself. Unlike other days, you were woken up by soft kisses on your forehead and someone behind you playing with your hair. You snuggled closer to the body that was in front of you, not wanting to leave the warmth.

"Y/N... Wake up, princess... Katsuki's making us a special breakfast for Valentine's Day." Shoto said with a quiet whisper into your ear.

You wined, not really wanting to get out of bed because you were really comfortable in the bed, snuggling into Izuku's chest. But once Shoto and Izuku got out of bed, you dragged yourself out too. The smell of food started wafting into the bedroom as you went to the bathroom (you didn't bother closing the door).

The dining table's hanging light was covered in pink streamers and on the table, itself was a delicious looking breakfast for the four of you. Pinkish pancakes shaped to their best ability of hearts. They were topped with whipped cream and surrounded by strawberry halves. You, Shoto, and Izuku thanked Katsuki for making the wonderful looking meal.

After all of you scarfed your food, Shoto offered to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

"What would you like to do now puppy?" asked Izuku with a kiss to the back of your hand.

You didn't really have any ideas as you wished for this to be a chill and loving Valentine's Day.

"How about we can go to the mall for a while and just look around?" You asked, not really wanting to get ready for the day but knew this trip would be fun.

The boys agreed that you could go to the mall, and went to put on their clothing for this chilly February day.

Once you all arrived at the mall, Shoto and Katsuki told you and Izuku to go to some shops as they wanted to get gifts for you and wanted to meet up at the food court in about an hour. You happily split ways and asked Izuku where he wanted to go first. You had gone to Hot Topic, Disney Store, Bath and Body Works, Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, PacSun, and of course Game Stop. At that point, it had been a little over an hour of shopping so Izuku leads you to the food court.

"Jeez what took you losers so long?" Katsuki said with his classic eye roll that annoyed you but also made you laugh.

"Sorry Kacchan, we went to a ton of stores," Izuku said with a very sorrowful tone.

"Whatever, let's just go get food, I'm fucking hungry as hell," Katsuki started turning around and deciding on a food place for all four of you.

You ended up getting pizza as it was a quick and fun meal. Shoto said there was one last store he wanted to stop at before you all went home.

Build-A-Bear Workshop. You were ECSTATIC to go inside as you had never been in your whole life and always begged your parents to take you. Shoto said that both you and Izu could make a bear. You both picked out the stuffed animals you wanted and wandered over to the stuffing machine. You did the little routine the worker asked you to do with the little heart such as touch your toes with it, touch your nose, touch your head, and give it a kiss before putting it in the half stuffed bears.

Katsuki helped you pick the best outfits and accessories as Shoto helped Izuku. Both of you pairs walked to the certificate station where you could name your bears. Katsuki really wanted you to name it "Fuck Face" but you smacked him and said no. You named it "Strawberry" because of its pinky tones and Izuku named his "All Might" because it reminded him of All Might of course. There was obviously a debate in the car on who's bear was better, but nobody won in the end.

Shoto prepared dinner that night as you all got into your pajamas and played a board game waiting for food to be done. Once it was done you all sat down and ate the wonderful food. You went around the table talking about your favorite things about everyone at the table and why you loved them.

The dishes and kitchen were clean so you and your three handsome, strong men went to the bedroom. You and Izuku jumped on the bed waiting for Katsuki and Shoto to join you, but two bags were thrown into your faces. Izuku looked at you with a questioning look. You both opened the bags and your face turned beet red.

Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki bought you and Izuku a matching, red, very revealing and sexy, lingerie set. You threw the bag onto the floor and said "not tonight, I want to cuddle and sleep."

Everyone in the room laughed at your statement as you pouted just wanting it to come true and lucky for you, it did. A rom-com was turned on and plenty of snuggles and cuddles were provided, as you fell asleep in the arms of Izuku Midoryia, Katsuki Bakugou, and Shoto Todoroki. The boys who you were forever destined to be with

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