Rooftop Rain (Fluff)

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I apologize for not updating last weekend, just was too tired to write. Requests are OPEN. Anyways, enjoy!

Rain was just about your favorite thing, after your boys of course. Here you were standing on top of your agency outside in the rain. Well, it wasn't your agency, it belonged to Izuku but you all worked there to support him. You were enjoying the rain so much, you didn't even realize that the door to the roof opened behind you.

"Hey dumbass. Your gonna get sick if you sit out here in the rain." A voice called, you knew right away who it was.

"But Katsuuu I love the rain! It's been making me feel better!" you replied back, feeling the rain stop falling onto you.

Bakugou had held an umbrella above your head and sat down next to you, still keeping both your heads covered.

"Aren't the city lights just so beautiful from up here baby?" You asked, resting your head onto his shoulder.

He just scoffed and laid his head on top of yours.

About ten minutes later, you had fallen asleep. Katsuki carefully picked you up while still keeping you from getting wet. He then had to walk down all the flights of stairs to get to Izuku's office, where he and Shoto would be.

"Hey Kacchan did you find h-" "SHUT UP SHE'S ASLEEP" Katsuki had cut Izuku off and whisper yelled.

Izuku looked at Shoto who just looked back and shrugged. Katsuki laid on the couch and laid you on top of him. It wasn't that late at night but he knew it had been a long day for you and that Izuku and Shoto would still have to do work for a while. Katsuki fell asleep on that couch with his beautiful girlfriend as his blanket, yet he kept her warm with his quirk.

That smell of caramel made you burry your face farther into his neck. Your favorite scent of the three boys but you wouldn't tell. What a wonderful night that had been even though you hadn't made it home to sleep in a bed. Now Izuku and Shoto had to carry both you and Katsuki to the car, and into your home to the bed where they could cuddle with you.

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