Pouring (Smut)

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Lips locking with very passionate love. Tongues fighting for dominance in mouths. Shirts coming off left and right. Hands rubbing and touching every which way. Who's hands were who's? No clue. But the calloused and rough feeling felt so good everywhere. A collar around your neck. 'Masters Puppy' written on one side, 'Izuku Midoryia' on the other. Zippers and belts. Damn did that sound just make you feel even wetter. 

You were making out with Izuku as Shoto was eating you out. You were moaning into Izuku's mouth and bucking your hips up into Shoto's mouth trying to reach your climax.  You broke away from Izuku's kiss and looked down a Shoto whining as he purposely declining your climax. Izuku pulled on your collar making you look at him. 

"Puppy, we told you to keep your eyes on me," he said with a very stern tone. 

He moved down to your neck and breasts and suckled and licked all over. You felt Shoto leave the bed and heard a vibration sound and you knew exactly what it was right away.

You felt a weight join the bed as the vibrating sound got closer. Your eyes widened real wide and you moaned. REAL loud. Katsuki had just placed the vibrator right on top of your clit with the highest speed on. You grabbed Izuku's hair as he was still playing with your boobs. Katsuki decided to start fingering you as Shoto came up to your mouth, shoved his length in, and started thrusting. Praises from Shoto, degrading comments from Katsuki and moans from Izuku. Oh how much you loved these boys.

They just kept teasing you and not letting you cum when you desperately needed to. You had Izuku's cock in your hand stroking it, Katsuki relentlessly fucking your "tight, wet, cunt" in his words, and Shoto fucking your face and choking you. They each had their own things. Izuku's was the collar, Katsuki's was the vibrator, and Shoto used his quirk for temperature play. As he was fucking your face, he would take one of his hands and put it on your neck, and slightly apply his quirk. All three of them felt so good and Izuku decided to lay under you and thrust up into your ass. Your boys were filling all of your holes and damn did it feel so good.

Moans were just about the only noise that filled the room besides skin slapping and the vibrator. But here's the thing... when you had sex with the boys that were this intense, you had to ask for permission to cum. So you tried to so many times so far but all three of them said no. At this point though, there was no way you were going to be able to walk straight for at LEAST a week. Hell, you could barely even remember your own god damned name. You were PRAYING they would let you cum this time. 

"Mmm- cum plea-pleaseeeeee," you moaned out as best as you can.

 This time, the boys looked at each other to question if they should let you cum or not. 

"Nope, just a bit longer baby girl," Shoto said looking down at you and putting his thick length back in your mouth. 

Just a bit longer ended up being 45 minutes longer. But you asked in hopes that you would finally be able to release, and thank the LORDS. They told you to cum. You immediately released and felt an odd sensation of wetness on yourself but you were too focused on the boys cumming. Once you were able to calm down you noticed the boys didn't move. 

"Holy shit-," Katsuki said with a laugh. 

"That was fucking hot," Shoto said staring into your eyes.  

You were confused as heck but Izuku wrapped his hands around your waist saying "oh puppy, you squirted." 

Holy shit. No way. This had NEVER happened to you before. You were so embarrassed.

You four went and took a shower, and while laying in bed cuddling, the boys consoled you and kept laughing as you continued to be embarrassed by tonight's happenings. Izuku went to the kitchen and brought your favorite flavor of ice cream and four spoons. Your lovely boyfriends let you turn on your favorite Disney movie and cuddle the night away as they massaged, kissed, and took care of you. You were the most important thing in the whole world to Izuku Midoryia, Katsuki Bakugou, and Shoto Todoroki. The 3 ring boxes in Bakugou's dresser would prove just that he loved the three of you more than you could imagine.

Sorry for the second smut in a row and for this being posted later than expected, next week is gonna be very fluffy! Hoped y'all enjoyed it.

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